Update went SOUTH!


New Member
Jul 14, 2020
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Hello Linux Community,

I recently updated my software manager and the computer went haywire. How? In the login screen, it would not wait long enough for me to type in my username and password before the screen goes blank and restarts. I am not a Linux guru, but a beginner that is fascinated with all Linux has to offer. My question is: Is there any Linux software that can search and import files that are still on the HD in import into Linux. I know there is software to take a picture of your system like system restore in Windows that comes with the Mint Distribution, but I was not successful in my ability to make it work. Amazing, after reinstalled mint, I can now make backups and put them in my dropbox. Thanks so much in advance for any advice you may have.

No, but there are commands to do so. Try in console
sudo apt-get -f install
If that doesn't work,
sudo dpkg –configure -a
If still not functioning properly, remove locks
sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock
and try
sudo dpkg –configure -a
again. Then update
sudo apt-get update
Yes, do all the commands that sp331yi listed, and in that sequence.
Depending on what distro you are running you might also want to consider using Timeshift to take a snapshot of your system in case things go haywire again.

That way you have a back up plan.
How exactly did you "update your software manager ???

Did you type something into Terminal ?....

I assume you are still running LM 19.3 ?

""Is there any Linux software that can search and import files that are still on the HD in import into Linux""....which HD ?....is this HD connected to the PC running Linux ?....

The Software similar to windows system restore is called Timeshift.....and given the fact that your install just went south, it will be the best piece of software you will ever have.
When you are set up and ready to go , you will find Timeshift in the software manager.....just click on menu...type in Timeshift...and then click on the result.
We can give you a blow by blow to set it up without drama
Having a separate HD or separate large usb stick to store the snapshots on is bonus.
Just a note on Wile E. Coyote's code snippets, the one with dpkg is

sudo dpkg –configure -a

where that is two small dashes before configure.

It's a font issue, likely.

Copying and pasting the provided command results in a long dash, which is invalid.

Hi all, and good night


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