Using torrent downloads. (answered)


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
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I am a bit thick about using Torrent downloads @KGIII so this makes me wary of using them to download but I also know that they are a quick at downloading.
How do you do it?

I forget which Linux etc you are using......but if you using any of the Linux Mint stable, it will have qbittorrent in the Software manager

Install the one that says, "Bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt5 GUI.....not the flathub

Open preferences, and go to Downloads....then scroll down to Saving Management.

A little way under that title you will see Default Save Path
mine is : /media/brian/TV & Timeshift/ .......I choose to use a external hard drive to save torrents to.....It would probably be easier if you saved them to downloads....or even the desktop. Your choice.

The path that you type in there must be accurate....otherwise it just will not download and will throw error messages.

To download an .iso....just go to Linux or Ubuntu or wherever, find the torrent link and click it to save it to your desktop or wherever.... ... When you double click on the file on the desktop, it will open a small window asking if you wish to have blah blah open that file(i cant remember the exact name....just tick ok)It will use qbittorrent to open the file and the download will begin., to wherever you have nominated in Saving Management.

Because you are only downloading iso files associated with Linux etc....there is no need to use a VPN....i
n other words there is no reason to try and hide your IP address from the powers that be.....Why?....because what you are downloading does not break or infringe on copyright and is absolutely legal.

Only when you download movies or tv shows, or sometimes popular books, does the question of copyright etc raise its ugly head. You definitely need a VPN if you do that.

Questions/problems....just ask.
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G'day Davey :). Might be a thought to include your (main) distro on Goldie under the von Goethe quotes, tells us straight away?

No point in me doing it, unless I include 67 Distros, that would be TL;DR ;)

You're in good hands with Brian.

Cheers Mate
I forget which Linux etc
Now, Now old mate forget your own distro how disappointing. :D
Thanks for that Brian all done and had a quick squizz at it. Thank you.
Hi Nik-Ken-Bah. I use transmission it works well enough on torrents and downloads fine. One hint that helps others once your download is complete leave the torrent client running so you can feed others downloads. helps alot on download times for someone else.
I find with .iso downloads that seeding the torrent for other downloaders has little effect....i look for the upload speed and after less than 5 minutes it has ceased.

This is not the case with "other" downloads.....they will continue to upload to other downloaders seemingly forever !
How do you do it?

As others have said, grab a torrent client and go to town. Transmission is a default torrent client in many distros, but there are all sorts of them and you can find one that works best for you.

The best option is often to use the magnet link which avoids downloading torrent files and opening them manually. Your computer should know how to deal with them but you may get an 'xdg-open' prompt. With torrent files, you sometimes will need to download them and then open them with your torrent client.

There's likely an article about how to use a torrent client. It'll be pretty universal, more or less.

One of the great things about using torrents is that they automatically verify the integrity of the download. So, if you're using it to download Linux ISOs you're more likely to get viable installation media.
qBittorrent, Deluge, Tixati, Transmission and KTorrent are a few of the more popular ones - I use qBittorrent myself
How do you do it?
Grab Transmission and, if you're downloading software, verify your downloads always without exception. Go to the manufacturer page and get the signatures and hashes, and verify them, before using what has been downloaded.

If they don't have signatures and hashes to verify, these are the kind of situations where offline, non-resident, honest malware scanning tools like clamav come in handy.
Davey in your Synaptic Package Manager, if you search under


you can access


and go from there.

Tixati is a new one on me, but you can either access it from their site

or use wget


So you can try what you like, and if you don't like, then

sudo apt purge <torrent client name>



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