Using Ubuntu live server, can't install Ubuntu MATE


Oct 23, 2020
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I have a Raspberry Pi 4 8gb that I am trying to install Ubuntu Mate on. When I download the the live Ubuntu server installer and boot the Pi it starts like it should however every video and written tutorial stops when I get a wall of errors or it won't even pull up the desktopify github files and just says "could not resolve host".

I'm not even too sure if it is connected to the internet or not either, I'm leaning towards this being the issue but from what I have seen none of the tutorials or videos address this.

What am I doing wrong here?


edit: I checked again and it is connected to the internet, it just doesn't want to pull up that git clone from github...
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Can you share the content of: /etc/resolv.conf
Also what is the content of




Adding to the above...

To start with, there's this - an RPi version of the MATE flavor:

Also, I don't know what tutorials you've been trying to use, but the command should be something like:

sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop

The above assumes you have Ubuntu Server *some.version* installed and then want to install MATE on top of it. You can do that, or at least you should be able to do that. The above command should grab all of the requisite files and install them to successfully give you the MATE desktop option at reboot.

That's all you should really need to do. There's no need (or shouldn't be any need) to go mucking about with stuff on GitHub.

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