ON AV - nothing is bulletproof, but i wear kevlar - i use linux
Brian is quoting from my signature (I must copyright that saying, lol) and I'll regard that as imitation is the finest form of flattery.
Seriously, this Thread could have been wrapped in in 2 Posts.
1. The first Post, by the OP, with the 2 linked articles, and
2. The video supplied by member
@f33dm3bits with the engaging young man chuckling about what rubbish the idea is.
The deceptive title to this Thread, if it was intended to troll, received a response from a number of people, with strong views. So the trolling succeeded, briefly.
Brian's "what a load of rubbish", if directed at the two links in the first Post, was accurate, albeit not technical in nature, probably does not need to be.
FUD, likewise, is accurate.
TechRadar is (or used to be) the online presence for LFX Linux Format Magazine, a British publication, which in previous years used to be a respectable source of information and interest. With ownership changes and for other reasons, perhaps, it is now only half as thick (for the same price), arguably only half as good, as it used to be. TechRadar I would no longer spend my time in reading.
If those articles stop one person from changing over from Windows to Linux, then that one person may have cause to regret at a later date not having looked more seriously into Linux.
I would like to see mine as being the last Post in this thread, but anyone of the Members above (and others here), will know me as being a very easygoing Moderator, and I am reluctant to border on opposing the expression of free speech here, as long as the thrust of the content here aids others in gaining an understanding of Linux, and helps people with their problems encountered.
That being said, if I act, for example in closing this or any other Thread, you can take it as read that I feel a serious need to act.
Keep it civil, or don't post.
Friday here in Oz, so
Avagudweegend and stay safe - COVID is the target we should be focused on, not each other.
Chris Turner