Hey everyone, I'm working on Kubuntu now. I already setup my Linux Mint Cinnamon and it's Ok. It works really well and has no issues, but Plasma is SO much more editable and has a million ways to change everything. Which is fun for me. So I'm trying to setup my DE on that now and doing pretty well so far. Except for this super strange Latte Dock issue.
No matter where I download it from (github, Kubuntu software manager, Pling, etc) it always installs from scratch with this strange blank, white, ? icon. And you'd think, "Oh, no problem, just go to Edit Dock and remove it." But that doesn't work. If I try to remove it, it removes the ENTIRE DOCK! And I have to Undo the action to put the dock back. After trying to figure out what it even is, I think it says it's the Latte Tasks? Never heard of it and can't find anything about it using a Google Search.
I just need to know how to get rid of it, without it deleting my entire Dock. Thanks
No matter where I download it from (github, Kubuntu software manager, Pling, etc) it always installs from scratch with this strange blank, white, ? icon. And you'd think, "Oh, no problem, just go to Edit Dock and remove it." But that doesn't work. If I try to remove it, it removes the ENTIRE DOCK! And I have to Undo the action to put the dock back. After trying to figure out what it even is, I think it says it's the Latte Tasks? Never heard of it and can't find anything about it using a Google Search.
I just need to know how to get rid of it, without it deleting my entire Dock. Thanks
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