which options do we have to connect to GDrive with Linux - how to get started here?


Nov 5, 2024
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g ´day dear Experts.

I'm currently looking for a way to always be able to access a cloud under Linux, in other words to back up data, save it, etc.

Google Drive, for example, currently provides a total of 20 GB. Among the many, many other providers: This is still an offer that looks interesting in some way (- among the cloud storage services for Linux).

It now even offers 20 GB (it used to be only 15) of free storage space that can be shared via the Gmail account, Google Photos and various Google and Android services.
The space could even be expanded.

But how do you connect? There have been official Google Drive clients for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS since 2012. But I haven't seen an official Linux client yet.

Of course - one thing always works: connecting to the browser on the Internet or using it; so far so good - but data synchronization is not yet established.
No automatic uploading either - unfortunately, all of that is missing imho!!

What options are there in the Linux world!?

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