That's OK, Dick, I knew there was something wrong when you asked about updating GParted and downloading it.
The version you have on your Satellite's Sylvia is the same as mine, that is v0.25.0 - that is correct.
Newer versions of Mint, such as 19.1 'Tessa' have a slightly newer version, that is v0.30.0 , but there is nothing to be gained currently in trying to update GParted. So I suggest leave it as is.
Live is another story, and is meant for burning to a DVD or stick. You have already done that, but were unable to place booting to USB ahead of hard drive into your BIOS setup.
Live is currently at v1.0.0-1 , and that may be what the notice you received was about. Pointless in following that through unless you can overcome the BIOS constraints.
On that subject (BIOS Setup Utility) don't think me pedantic, but I need to set you straight on something said above.
From #5
According to Wiz, my Toshiba has some BIOS issues that I as of now don't know how to fix.
No, I am not convinced that it has issues, Dick.
Way back here, at Christmas, you said, in part:
I don't recall the steps I used to setup the same system on my Toshiba notebook
That was referring to Sylvia. In order to have put it on in the first place, you had to be able to tweak the BIOS to allow for booting from the stick ... the same stick, likely you took to the Big Smoke where the Store Tech stuffed up.
As for the BIOS, for whatever reason with all the updating this BIOS doesn't get updated so that it will recognize the usb thumb drive in the process. Is there a way to fix that?
BIOS do not get updated from Linux. That is done from within the BIOS utility itself, and it is called
"flashing the BIOS".
That will not fix the issue, and if you run it, and it goes wrong, you risk bricking the Toshiba.
I don't want to intrude on your private itinerary of when you make the visit stateside, but if you are going to be in one State for a significant period of time, I would consider contacting a LUG (Linux User Group) in that state, and seeing if you can take you and the Toshiba to one of their Meetings and get someone to show you how to boot from the stick.
Other than that, I think we can wrap up this Thread.