Been doing a little thinking with this pea brain of mine.
Wondered just what is the real importance of the covid thing. Please don't misunderstand what I am about to write. Any disease that takes a bunch of lives is not to be taken lightly.
I did some checking on what the total number of deaths from all causes are in the USA for this year - 2020. The figure I found was from 3 days ago so it was an estimate. The total number came in at 3.1 million total deaths here in the US. The latest number I saw for those dying from covid was about 280,000.
Then I asked myself - What about those other 2,820,000 people that died? How important were their deaths? According to what the 'indoctrination' media has been reporting - the answer to that is very apparent - those other deaths were not important enough to report on: at least not nearly as important as those 280,000.
Then I asked myself - why is that? To which I answered - there appears to be something strange going on to classify one type of death as being more important than another kind.
A little history that I remember as I was growing up. When television first made its' appearance in our area, there was about 5 minutes of 'real' news given on TV. In a couple years they had expanded that to 15 minutes around 6 PM, during the dinner time. It was still 'real' news yet at that time.
Next came the cable networks with their 30 minutes of news, which quickly expanded to 1 hour.
Then they must have figured out that they could make a lot more money by having some 24 hour news channels, which they did.
However, something happened along the way that changed the structure of reporting the news. They figured it out that they could influence public opinion by promoting their agendas and calling it 'News Reporting'.
Today it is not news reporting at all. I call it indoctrination sessions. Of course they throw in enough real news to hide the fact that they are in the indoctrination business today. That is deceitful.
Many people today can see what is actually happening in the so-called 'news media'.
Now back to my original post subject - how important is the covid thing?
I will let you come to your own conclusions.
Been around a while longer than most here, maybe seen a few more things than most.
Still an old Geezer, Tango Charlie