wlan network interface not showing


New Member
Dec 9, 2021
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Hi, I recently installed arch on my laptop. It lacks an ethernet port so I've had to use wireless, It's been working on and off for a few days but now the wlan interface won't show when I run 'ip link'. I can see it's been detected in lspci and it is written, 'Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi'. It's called Intel corporation wifi 6 (Rev 20).
Lspci https://prnt.sc/22d2zmk
Ip link https://prnt.sc/22d34k9

In both journal an dmesg it repeats 3 times that it failed with code -2 but then it says it did load the firmware and detected my wifi card and shows the hardware address.
To configure the network originally, I unblocked the interface from rfkill then "ip link set wlan0 up" then setup dhcp with dhcpcd then finally iwctl and it worked.
Also I did install linux-firmware with pacstrap.

Thanks for any help you can provide
(Also, if it's not apparent, I'm on a laptop)

Is it called "wlan0"? Some distros have changed away from that.

Try: ip dev

My laptop has no Ethernet port, but I can use a cheap Ethernet/USB connector from eBay.
Hello ttrss,
Welcome to the forums, Don't do arch but which wifi card is in the machine?
Well in the screenshot it says Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160Mhz
