Solved Recommended Update Failure

Solved issue


New Member
Jul 5, 2023
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Up to now I've no problem with Linux Mint since I installed it some months ago. I've always downloaded the recommended updates, no trouble. Received update notification today - Firefox web browser new version. Tried to install it in the usual way and got this:

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

Now, all that might as well be in Chinese to me. How in the name of the devil am I supposed to correct that ? (!)
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you should be able to open a terminal with the key combination Ctrl+Alt+T. after that you could type in or copy and paste the command

sudo dpkg --configure -a

to try and fix what went wrong when the update didn't go as planned.
did you get the error initially when running the graphical Update Manager? have you rebooted since getting the error and tried the above again? if yes to both, it may be helpful to see what output you get from running

sudo apt update

followed by

sudo apt upgrade

in a terminal to see if it gives you any more details. if you post the output, it would probably be easiest to read with code tags.
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
this is caused by a previous update being interrupted before it had finished, you must run sudo dpkg --configure -a and wait till it corrects the problem note no ' and space between sudo and dpkg,one between dpkg and --, and one between configure and -a
when it has finished you can go back to the update manager and run again, or run from the terminal sudo apt update && apt upgrade
I've opened the terminal and typed in "sudo dpkg --configure -a" exactly as spaced within the quote marks, pressed enter and Voy-Lah - no fix.
PS, Thanks for your efforts kind people but phrases such as, "if you post the output, it would probably be easiest to read with code tags." and the confusingly worded explanation, "note no ' and space between sudo and dpkg,one between dpkg and --, and one between configure and -a" are as clear to me as molasses.
Have also tried, sudo apt update[two spaces]sudo apt upgrade, and get "The update command takes no arguments". I think the best solution might be a liberal dousing in lighter fluid plus the application of a lighted match.
This is the error message: "you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." I have, and it doesn't correct the problem. Have also tried: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade and restarting the PC after entering. This gets a load of waffle about "possible missing firmware".
after you run

sudo apt update

do you get any errors? if so can you post the entire output including the command for clarity? the same for:

sudo apt upgrade
@Thos.Hewn the command should have two ampersands in it as follows

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

The two ampersands places a condition on what follows them, that what preceded them has worked.

In plain speak, your Linux will try to run

sudo apt update

# and if that succeeds, then it will try

sudo apt upgrade

The mention of codes is as follows


Click the 3 vertical dots first. When you get to the codes popup window, via lower arrow, simply paste the commands you typed (or the output) into there and OK.

Welcome to :)

BTW (by the way)

...since I installed it some months ago.

Do you have your Timeshift set up?

Chris Turner
Thanks for the replies folks, but I've managed to fudge it out for m'self - like Edward Judd in First Men in the Moon: "Well, somehow or other I managed to guide the sphere back to Earth." (!)

Happy days