AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX + RX 7900 XT


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2021
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For information only.
I have been researching a problem with the latest AMD RX7900 [for a member of my other site] and have discovered an article which states they run best with Linux Kernel 6.2 or higher, as most current distributions are 6.1 or lower, if you are having problems with one of these GPU's I suggest you try a newer Kernel

A few years ago I bought an RX 6700XT the day it was release. Luckily I was running Arch then, to get it to work I had to install linux-firmware-git and then also mesa-git to get rid of the graphics glitches. I can't remember how long it took after that for those fixes to get merged into the master branches but it's always an advantage to be using an Arch-based distribution when you are using the latest hardware.
Its the reason I never buy new nowadays, I always go for boxes that are 3-5 years old, so all the glitches are already sorted
Most people that buy the latest hardware are gamers, so not something you would ever have to worry about.
latest hardware are gamers
You may be surprised, looking round the forums ,I have come across quite a few who state they bought a new machine just for Linux, [we have had one or two on here and I am dealing with a couple elsewhere] that's why I was researching the latest GPU's
You may be surprised,
Yeah and maybe people who are buying a whole new system, might as well buy the best what you can currently get then since then you will be good for quite a number of years. It will also depend on the use for their system, if they do AI computing or a lot of video editing then it's a good reason to get a new gpu as well.
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I am happy to share my dilemma as I am in need of some technical support. I am very new to using Linux. I am using Parrot OS 5.3, which is based of Debian 11, Bullseye I believe. I have a 7900XTX and 27GL850-B monitor (1440p, 144hz, nano IPS). I have vowed off gaming indefinitely for the time being. I don't care about anything besides getting my monitor's resolution to work as intended. I've tried several distro's and my monitor's native resolution works OOB on every distro except Parrot OS.

I can only select 1280x1024 w/ 0hz refresh rate.

I could wait for the next Parrot OS update which will hopefully have the Debian kernel updates to bookworm which may fix my OOBE (lame)


I could learn how to fix it myself, with the assistance of the community, my preferred option. I really want to use Parrot OS as my day to day desktop environment as I'm trying to learn back end development and security fundamentals. Career changer.

I'm going to check out a linux book from my local library at 10am but love any assistance to save time.

Additional troubleshooting info: I have noticed that there are unloaded drivers, including the radeon driver. I have the vesa driver loaded. I've been unable to figure out how to change that. I believe I need to install the correct backports/dependencies for the firmware before I can switch to correct native resolution which I probably have to manually set. I think everything is being rendered to monitor by the CPU?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Not sure that this will work with Parrot [It's for Debian, on which Parrot home is based]but worth a try... [copy and paste so you don't miss the spaces]

sudo apt update && apt -y install xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu
in addition to the driver package recommended, this debian wiki page also suggests the firmware package firmware-amd-graphics among other things:

i'm not a parrot user so also can't say if that works exactly, but could be worth a look.
For information only.
I have been researching a problem with the latest AMD RX7900 [for a member of my other site] and have discovered an article which states they run best with Linux Kernel 6.2 or higher, as most current distributions are 6.1 or lower, if you are having problems with one of these GPU's I suggest you try a newer Kernel
Best time to buy new hardware is a couple of Kernel versions later... 6 months to a year. It has the added benefit of prices dropping with time.

That, however, in itself is a resolvable issue. The problem with these two cards is a convex core shape, causing uneven cooling issues with hot spots.

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