For my network parameters I use "bridge mode" and I select my Tenda U12 interface the same as I added it to the USB field in my VM but still not work. I did it successfully once but it crashed later
You can't expect any drivers to work without having hardware access.
This. It seems like you need to learn how vm's and basic networking work first, and just some friendly advice. It will probably be a good idea to run something other than Kali first for a year or so before getting into Kali.
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This. It seems like you need to learn how vm's and basic networking work first, and just some friendly advice. It will probably be a good idea to run something other than Kali first for a year or so before getting into Kali.
Please I am a new learner and currently learning cybersecurity I lack knowledge and I know. That's why I am trying to learn every day is a new opportunity for me to learn something new. Thank you if you have something with which I can increase my knowledge.
Go back into the network settings on virtual box, make sure it says 'Nat' and below that click advanced settings. Make sure "cable connected" is checked - also make sure it is added to the USB Filters in the VM
have a look here for USB Filters -

There is another option in Kali
Go to - /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf - change from false to true

This of course defeats the purpose of Kali to begin with by connecting to an automated service

I have run out of ideas for now
Hello Thanks, I saw your proposal. I am happy and I thank you for helping me make one step forward. My adapter can now find my wifi but up till now I didn't succeed to connect it to my wifi even though I entered the correct password.
Thank you if you have something with which I can increase my knowledge.
It's very difficult to help you since you ignored 2 of my posts, so I'm going to unwatch this thread and no longer respond.

What you absolutely need to know to understand why it doesn't work is that drivers are kind of programs which directly communicate with hardware, in this case the relevant hardware is you WI-FI card.

Because you're using the driver in virtual machine there is no connection to WI-FI card so the driver is useless because it had no access to WI-FI card.
Sorry for no respond but I got your advice to install Kali directly on my computer rather than VM. I am just trying to find a second option. Thank you for your consideration.
Sorry for no respond but I got your advice to install Kali directly on my computer rather than VM. I am just trying to find a second option. Thank you for your consideration.
Two people already gave you different suggestion in this thread.
1. Boot Kali live from usb
2. Do a pass-through of your wifi adapter, which would require it to no be in used by the host and then assign it to the vm running Kali. Not even sure if this is possible with Virtuabox and no idea how to do this on Windows since your host is most likely Windows.
The last option would be to get a second drive and run a dual-boot installation.

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