Alt+Tab doesn't work in LXQT

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New Member
Apr 7, 2024
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Fresh and latest version of LXQT.

Alt+Tab doesn't work at all. Is it how it's supposed to be? On every other Linux DM on Earth it will work properly.

I've done a search and found only 1 or 2 results which proposed a tangled solution.
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Just for clarification, what's the distro you're using?

(It's fine in Lubuntu, which is why I want clarification. That may help somebody help you find the answer.)
@nardimonik , I note that at Arch Linux forums, as @bebaszna you have the same question, still open.

That is terribly bad manners, but I will overlook that for now, although I wonder what you think we will know that they do not?

They asked you

Incase you're using lxqt with another WM, check the documentation for that WM .

and you did not respond.

So what WM are you using with your LXQt?

If you are not sure, use

inxi -xxxS

and look for the WM output

Chris Turner
So what WM are you using with your LXQt?
Once again: fresh installation of LXQT. That which comes with it by default, that is.
Learn to read carefully.

That is terribly bad manners, but I will overlook that for now, although I wonder what you think we will know that they do not?
What makes you choose to overlook it? It must not be the first time for you to say one thing and do the other.
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Thread locked.

I'll leave it to Wizard to approach this.
Thanks, David.

The OP's comments at #5 are a textbook example of how not to behave when joining a forum and asking questions seeking help.

Curiously, he edited his own post 7 times in 8 minutes to inject just the amount of rudeness that satisfied him.

I will give him a month off posting in the forum, to see if he wishes to address and moderate his attitude and/or to get back on his meds, if he is taking same.

If, in the meantime, he is reading this and wishes to change his mind about being a Member of this Forum, he can click the "Contact us" option near bottom right of the page.


Chris Turner

BTW - if the OP had simply provided the output I asked for, he would likely have something like @KGIII would find, as I have at my Lubuntu.

chris@LubuntuJammy-HDD:~$ inxi -xxxS
  Host: LubuntuJammy-HDD Kernel: 5.15.0-100-generic x86_64 bits: 64
    compiler: gcc v: 11.4.0 Desktop: LXQt 0.17.1 info: lxqt-panel
    wm: Openbox 3.6.1 vt: 1 dm: SDDM
    Distro: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

... that is, Window Manager Openbox, and we might have looked further from there.
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