
  1. M

    system program problem detected In ubuntu fix

    here I will tell you how to fix frequent pop-up error messages on Ubuntu, namely "system program problem detected" Try fixing it by running this command through the terminal, open Ctrl + Alt + T. Then run the command "sudo rm /var/crash/*" Tutorial by site...
  2. L

    Web Browsers Freezing on Ubuntu 19.10

    Hey guys I'm new on linux, i've just installed Ubuntu 19.10 and when i open Web Browser sometimes they're freezing but cursor is working
  3. S

    Vivobook S532 S532FL-BQ061T work on dual boot with unbutu ?

    Hello, I'm interested by Vivobook S532 S532FL-BQ061T for my studies in computer science but I don't know if it's work on dual boot with ubuntu. Could someone pls help me ? Pc is here ...
  4. C

    Mysterious Non-existent Network Adapter

    Hi all, Still relatively new to Linux so please be gentle. I recently bought (what I thought was) and Intel Compute Stick and was planning on turning into a mobile HTPC and retro gaming device. It originally came with Windows 10 and all was well. I thought it might be a good opportunity to...
  5. UldSkull

    Linux installation problem

    I came here, humbly, to submit you my problem : I tried, many times, to install different Linux distros, in cohabitation with Windows 10, on a Dual boot, without success. I try to install these distros on a 500 GB SDD. The Windows partition is 60 GB. It can be less, I know <3 I'm french, so I...
  6. sujatha90

    Mails Goes to Spam Folder - Issue

    Hi, Iam using Vesta controlpanel installed with Ubuntu 18.04. When i sent a mail from my website's webmail, all the mails goes to Spam folder in Gmail & Hotmail. I want to deliver my mails to Inbox. Please help me to resolve this. Thank You.
  7. sujatha90

    MongoDB Installaion - Ubuntu or CentOS?

    Hi, I Want to Install MongoDB for my new project. I have purchased a cloud VPS with 4 GB RAM from Digital Ocean. Ubuntu and CentOS are the two options i have. I want to know the best one which is perfectly suitable for MongoDB. Thank You
  8. D

    Nginx Error - HTTPS

    Hi all, Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section of the forum but I could not find anywhere else to post this. I am relatively new to nginx and have installed and configured it as a reverse proxy. All the virtual hosts I have set up thus far are working fine. The problem has arisen...
  9. N

    Which linux os have bash and which one have dash?

    Hello everyone, sorry for the basic question but i'm new at Linux... I was curious to know which operating systems have bash shell, because as far as i know ubuntu has dash shell. For me is pretty important to know because the first exam that i'll have at university will be on C and bash shell...
  10. D

    Which Linux distro for programming

    Hey guys, I wonder which Linux distro you recommend to me to program. I'm still hesitating between Arch Linux and Ubuntu and Debian. Which programming languages I 'use' you can find in the description of my acc. Thanks in advance!:) Dominic
  11. RetroProfessional

    Low RAM Laptop needs Linux

    EDIT: I give up. I had enough of Puppy linux and other distros. I cant believe that there is no Ubuntu distro that use less that 512mb of ram. So i woid like so recommendtations please. Hello by the way, since im new to the forums, anyways, I am having a problem on my laptop, every distro i...
  12. H

    How to Install and Configure VNC Server on Ubuntu?

    How to Install and Configure VNC Server on Ubuntu? Can anyone suggest?
  13. L

    How to get all installed Desktop Applications with Licence info using Linux command

    I want to get all Desktop Applications info with License and other basic Details using command. Which Command I can use to get it?
  14. S

    Linux Bluetooth configuration and security

    Hello! I have a bluetooth dongle connected to Ubuntu. How to restrict incoming Bluetooth connections by device class (CoD) ?
  15. blackneos940

    How Do I Backup My Xubuntu (Or Any Linux )Install To An Image File?

    Hellooo..... :3 So I get the general idea..... I can use DD, Brasero, etc., but I wanna' use DD..... :3 The goal is to create an image of Xubuntu on my ASUS X205TA to the Hard Drive on a Server me and a friend have..... That way, we can access Files without turning this Netbook into...
  16. M

    GRUB2 Horrible booting time after Xubuntu update(dual boot with ubuntu(booting time normal)

    Hello Dear linux community I wasn't sure where I should write about it and in general if it would be useful, because I am quite a new to linux and I think, I fell I don't understand much. Anyway so in short I had firstly a ubuntu 16 on my PC and then I found my PC is not powerful enough to...
  17. blackneos940

    Using My Old ASUS X205TA As A Pseudo-Chromebook

    So I tried not using smileys in the question title like I usually do to help people when they search on the Interwebz..... :3 Anywho, if you look the specs up, you'll find that this Laptop is best used with either a BSD Distro, or some Linux Distro..... So I went with Xubuntu..... :3 I...
  18. D

    Ubuntu Desktop 19.04 install stuck at "write changes to disks?"

    I don't quite remember installing 18.04 desktop, but it was a lot faster. Do I have some sort of hardware issue or why do I get stuck at this step over and over again? It's a dynamic VDI on SSD.
  19. C

    Ubuntu partition issues

    I bought a computer for my mom a little while ago and she wanted me to install linux on it and keep windows, So i made a ubuntu boot usb using rufus and the iso, It installed as normal but now my bios doesn't show the partition in the os boot manager? Windows disk management shows the partition...