adding more space and moving partition


New Member
Nov 22, 2019
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G'day you all, I am a new IT in the industry. When I say new i have never been in this industry for more than a few months at a time. At the moment I am going to school to become an IT Engineer. The course is very challenging, but I am loving it. Specially Linux. I love Linux. So much to learn. In one of my modules I was studying Linux and I loved it so much that I got rid of my MS OS which had a lot of issues for me and added my Linux Mint OS. I LOVE IT!!

Now to business. I need assistance please in how to add more space to my /home partition. In my excitement in adding my partitions I added some at the end of my leaving my empty partition locked in the middle, so now I need to move the partition that are at the end and move them to the front then add more space to my /home partition in order to load my VM. Doing my studies I saw how they did it but it does not show in detail how to easily do it and I don't want to wreck my partitions, so i am asking for help to smoothly do it with little damage. I love Linux too much that I don't want to mess it up.

So, may someone be able to direct me please and thank you.

Look for a program called gparted and post a screen shot of the drive with partitions in question. I have an idea of what you want to do but to give a detailed answer more info about the partitions is needed.
The first question is... are you using LVM?
Look for a program called gparted and post a screen shot of the drive with partitions in question. I have an idea of what you want to do but to give a detailed answer more info about the partitions is needed.

ok, I will do that when I go home tonight. thank you.
The first question is... are you using LVM?

Yes, I am using LVM and will be using it more as I go through my course. But at the present moment I can not set it up because my /home does not have enough space. So, I will do what Drizzit89 suggested and gparted and go from there. I am in class till 1500hrs. Thank you.
Look for a program called gparted and post a screen shot of the drive with partitions in question. I have an idea of what you want to do but to give a detailed answer more info about the partitions is needed.

ok, so i have the screen shot for the gparted. see attached. Thank you.


  • Gparted.png
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Wow, that is a bit of a mess ... and I mean that in the nicest possible way :)

But it is pretty easy-peasy to fix, if you are patient and keen to learn :D


(Wizard appears in a puff of smoke)

G'day @hendricks54 and welcome to :)

First up, read my Thread here

and then you can post shots like this


SCREENSHOT 1 - Hendricks' GParted

I have to scoot for my evening meal in Australia but will be back tomorrow with more.

You don't need /usr, /var, /tmp or /boot but don't do anything with them yet.

The /boot/efi of 2.79 GiB is way overkill, only need 100 - 300 MiB, 512 MiB maximum.

Also swap of 74.51 GiB - don't need more than 2 - 4 - 8, if even that.

Do you have the USB stick or medium still, that you installed with?

And start reading up on Timeshift here.

We've got your back.

Chris Turner
G'morning. Thank you for this. It is a great help. I got all those partition set up from my books. I was following what they were instructing; but as always books versus real life, real life always wins, and that is what I want to learn, real life. Books are great, but i feel is not enough. This is perfect thank you so much for taking time from your schedule to assist. I do have a USB stick. I will do this when i come back from school today. I go till 1500hrs Vancouver time. I have heard great things about Australia, would love to go there some day. I am working towards that, once I am working and making money after school i am many plans. Even opening up a business. Anyways, i will follow your steps to the "T" once i am back. Thank you so very much once again. This is aweasome!!! thank you. I have an open mind and i am a sponge. I love to learn and be a part of progress! thank you.
G'day Chris,
So, I viewed the linked you sent me on how to copy and paste pics. all is well now. So once I am done school i'll just wait on how to change location of my partitions and add more space to one. Thank you once again for all your assistance. This is greatly appreciated. thank you.
Canadian, eh? Our friends and good allies here in Australia :) - on my wife's and my bucket list (places to see before you kick the bucket).

Let's get your system safe first, and then we can clean it up if you so choose.

Keep that USB stick handy, because it is its GParted that we will be working from, rather than the one that may be installed on your hard drive distro.

That is because of the little key padlocks icons between Partition and File System above.

Those Partitions are mounted, and in order to manipulate their size or format we need to first unmount them, but that cannot be done by GParted on your Linux Mint if that is the only Linux on your computer, it is a safety feature.

So we use GParted on the USB stick that contains the "Live" Linux for installing, or we download and burn to a stick (maybe using the same method you used for the Linux .iso)

GParted Live

The Linux Mint stick is simplest for now.

We are going to focus on two parts of your GParted screenshot, namely




The first partition we will adjust will be that /dev/sda2 /boot partition at bottom, because your System is about to fall over.

I'll be back with a video but it may take a couple of hours to produce 5 minutes of vid.

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BTW - let us know which Linux Mint eg 19.2 Cinnamon, MATE or other.

If unsure go Menu - welcome and that will show.
Hendricks, update is that I have set up some dummy partitions on one of my drives, with a view to walking you through the GParted process, focusing first on stabilising your drive against it falling over.

To that effect, I have generated these aids


SCREENSHOT 2 - GParted - Fakes on left, yours on right

and it is the areas below the green lines we will start with.



Let me know those version details from #11 asap, and I will start putting together a video tomorrow morning my time.


hello wizard, the version of Linux mint is 19.2. version 4.2.4. apologies for delay.
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No need, and thanks for the info. :)

I've pu together the first of a small series of vids, view it a couple of times - I made a couple of boo-boos that I won't repeat, so see if you get the gist, and go ahead and fix that /boot.

When you use your USB stick, don't choose to install, just do it from the desktop.

Hunt down GParted (likely Admin or System Tools, from Menu, just start typing gparted)

Go to the Settings page also and turn off any screensavers or power saving modes, make sure you can get uninterrupted session for an extended period of time.

Sing out with any questions.


OMG. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR TAKING TIME OF YOUR BUSY LIFE TO ASSIST ME ON THIS MATTER. THI IS INCREDIBLE. THANK YOU. I will pay it forward with my fellow humans. This is what I mean by sharing information. I am a huge advocate in sharing information to less fortunate. You are proving to me that my intentions in passing on knowledge is true and noble. Thnk you. I will do this and possible come back for more information. I have been trying to view certain types of videos, music, and pictures on my Linux OS but not bee able i think is because i have not activated something on my shell in order to read these files. What are your thoughts? thank you so very much. GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU.
on a different topic. How well are you verse with Cisco? my new module in class in Cisco INNO introduction to internetworking. I signed my self up to a Cisco network forum, but just wanted to ask you if you had any knowledge about or if you had ever used it. The next module after this is another Cisco module but is just an extension of this first one. As you can see on my attachment this the breakdown. I am at the moment on Phase 2 INNO Introduction Internetworking. This is so that you have an idea where i am at. Thak you.


  • IT_Engineering.jpg
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Canadian, eh? Our friends and good allies here in Australia :) - on my wife's and my bucket list (places to see before you kick the bucket).

Let's get your system safe first, and then we can clean it up if you so choose.

Keep that USB stick handy, because it is its GParted that we will be working from, rather than the one that may be installed on your hard drive distro.

That is because of the little key padlocks icons between Partition and File System above.

Those Partitions are mounted, and in order to manipulate their size or format we need to first unmount them, but that cannot be done by GParted on your Linux Mint if that is the only Linux on your computer, it is a safety feature.

So we use GParted on the USB stick that contains the "Live" Linux for installing, or we download and burn to a stick (maybe using the same method you used for the Linux .iso)

GParted Live

The Linux Mint stick is simplest for now.

We are going to focus on two parts of your GParted screenshot, namely




The first partition we will adjust will be that /dev/sda2 /boot partition at bottom, because your System is about to fall over.

I'll be back with a video but it may take a couple of hours to produce 5 minutes of vid.


Greetings Wiz,
I have a simple question for you - no thinking necessary {I think}.
What do you mean when you say "your System is about to fall over."? Is that an Aussie expression?
Old Geezer
G'day my Wizard. So, I was trying to unmount my partitions and was not able to do so, this is what came up when I tried to umount my partition. So, is there another way i can unmount my partitions without it giving me this notice? Thank you so very much for your video is extremely informative.

Hendricks, G'day.

Were you trying to unmount the partition from within your Linux install, that is, on the HDD, or were you trying to unmount it from a Live Linux USB stick or LIve Gparted stick.

If you were trying the former - can't be done. Safety measure by GParted that you cannot manipulate a number of the partitions on your HDD that are "in session".

Revisit my post at #10, and ask any questions if you are unsure :)

Charlie - I will be back on my morrow with an answer for you.



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