chmod not working on ntfs file system

A few years ago...a guy with a windoze Laptop told me this laptop has an uncrackable password.

I booted to my Mint live session and mounted his windoze internal HDD...should have seen the look on his face...priceless.
lol I didn't know this was still possible with Win10 and Win11, thought Windows was encrypted by default now and that bitlocker would prevent this? I'll have to setup a virtual dual-boot system to try it out to see what happens.

lol I didn't know this was still possible with Win10 and Win11, thought Windows was encrypted by default now and that bitlocker would prevent this? I'll have to setup a virtual dual-boot system to try it out to see what happens.

It was before 10/11...might have been 7 or 8 and I used a DVD back then too.

It might work on 10/11 who knows...don't use windoze anymore...only now have a win 7 VM...would be interesting to see if it does. I don't know why it wouldn't're mounting the computers Drive...not trying to by-pass the password...windoze isn't much for security as Linux is...I can do it in Mint Cinnamon.

Come to think of it...there's plenty of windoze software to by-pass and reset passwords up to 10/ it must be possible.
It seems chntpw hasn't been updated since is in the Mint Software Manager but doesn't work.
Sorry, but it DOES still work... on a fresh install of Windows 10 even (tested just now on bare metal). You can clear the password of any user on the system, including Administrator. But it is not a straightforward tool to get started and you must read the documentation... which, strangely enough, says it only works on Windows versions through 8.1. I've only used it a few times with Windows 10, but it's always worked when needed, and I'm sure @APTI can confirm much more success.

I didn't know this was still possible with Win10 and Win11, thought Windows was encrypted by default now and that bitlocker would prevent this?
Windows 11 is not always encrypted by default (see here and here), and you can take care during the install to ensure it is not encrypted, if you want. Of course chntpw will not defeat encryption, and Win 11 may be encrypted more often than not.

EDIT: One more thing I just re-learned.... chntpw will not work if Windows exits with hibernation enabled. The easiest one-time way to bypass hibernation is to simply reboot Windows (not shutdown) and use the BIOS Boot Menu to launch the live Linux flash drive that will run chntpw.

EDIT #2: It worked on Windows 11 also (not encrypted, upgraded from Win 10). This is old 2009 computer from Windows 7. It has no UEFI, no TPM, no compatible CPU... learn how. Both Win 10 and 11 activated with a digital license.
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You can do all that to an unencrypted Linux as well. So, there's that.

Anyone with physical access to the device owns the device, though encryption can help.
You can do all that to an unencrypted Linux as well. So, there's that.
Exactly what I was thinking but forgot to actually write it out.
More rambling thoughts...

I've never tried it but I believe you can use that TPM thing to prevent anything but the currently installed (signed) operating system from booting. AFAIK, this is stored in non-volatile memory and isn't wiped by simply removing the CMOS battery. This is like how some modern BIOS/UEFI settings aren't removed by removing the battery. Of course, you'd lock the pre-boot options menu with a strong password.

Assuming that and encryption, you'll be doing pretty good.

If the OS was configured properly with TPM, it shouldn't boot on any other hardware because it can't exchange the certificate. So, you can't just swap it into another machine.

I'm sure there's a wedge you can insert somewhere. There always is. TPM 2.0 is even more tricky.
Sorry, but it DOES still work... on a fresh install of Windows 10 even (tested just now on bare metal). You can clear the password of any user on the system, including Administrator. But it is not a straightforward tool to get started and you must read the documentation... which, strangely enough, says it only works on Windows versions through 8.1. I've only used it a few times with Windows 10, but it's always worked when needed, and I'm sure @APTI can confirm much more success.

As I don't use doesn't matter if it works or not but I did wonder how to re-set a forgotten password in Mint Cinnamon.

As we all know there's not much you can do without your password...some time ago I did a lot of research. I wanted something that was easy to use and didn't require software...that I could run from the live session.

I found a video and wrote a Tutorial based on it...
I have tried it a number of times to make sure it works...I have my password written down off the computer so I don't forget it.

I'm sure this will help other Linux users especially beginners.
Windows does not support Linux ACL, Linux does not support Windows ACL, BSD does not support Linux ACL, Linux does not support BSD ACL. Same goes with OSX, Solaris/Openindiana and so on

Your problem can be solved with Samba and NFS and any networked file systems supporting ACL. Just make NTFS partition samba share and you will have the same Linux/Windows respected ACL.
Windows does not support Linux ACL, Linux does not support Windows ACL, BSD does not support Linux ACL, Linux does not support BSD ACL. Same goes with OSX, Solaris/Openindiana and so on

Your problem can be solved with Samba and NFS and any networked file systems supporting ACL. Just make NTFS partition samba share and you will have the same Linux/Windows respected ACL.
my impression was that the OP was editing a hard drive. in order to make it network accessible you would have to build a computer around it or modify the HDD to operate on a network which I think is not what was asked. Sort of like killing mosquitoes with nuclear bombs
my impression was that the OP was editing a hard drive. in order to make it network accessible you would have to build a computer around it or modify the HDD to operate on a network which I think is not what was asked. Sort of like killing mosquitoes with nuclear bombs
No nuclear bombs needed but if networking fs is not an option, then NTFS will not do for linux and any linux FS will not do for Windows. My point was that. ACL between OSes will work only at the level of networking FS. one can also get NAS for this.
Again not suggesting networked file systems just explaining what works and what does not.
You are not misunderstanding. We are on a tangent here and somebody "heard" that linux may damage NTFS but offered zero proof other than "common sense" and some website with people making theories. But no actual proof. Just need one time that Linux damaged NTFS. Not that it allowed a user to damage it because users can damage anything.

Off the tangent, the chmod may not have worked if the drive was mounted in read only which is different than the file permissions.
try mounting with this command
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sdaX /mnt/your_mount_point

adjust the sdaX to be the drive you want to mount. "your mount point" is where you want to put it.

The hiberfil.sys file needs to be removed if it exists as if you followed this it causes the drive to mount in read only mode. Deleting the file will lose any unsaved changes in windows and programs, just like pulling the plug.
I have tried your solution by issuing
$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/DATA2
but the output is: ntfs-3g-mount: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/DATA2: No such file or directory
I have tried your solution by issuing

but the output is: ntfs-3g-mount: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/DATA2: No such file or directory
did you create a directory /mnt/DATA2 including the capital letters? the message seems to state that the folder does not exist. It must exist prior to the mount command and you must have access to it.
did you create a directory /mnt/DATA2 including the capital letters? the message seems to state that the folder does not exist. It must exist prior to the mount command and you must have access to it.
No the directory is in general at /media/miketlap/DATA2 and this exists. But I tried via /mnt if this is the right way. In past I had no issues with /media/miketlap/DATA2 as mount point. Now if I try the same I get an error message if the drive is unmounted (which is logical), but when I mount it I get his message:
Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.
The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which
could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.
So how can I mount this point without this issue?
No the directory is in general at /media/miketlap/DATA2 and this exists. But I tried via /mnt if this is the right way. In past I had no issues with /media/miketlap/DATA2 as mount point. Now if I try the same I get an error message if the drive is unmounted (which is logical), but when I mount it I get his message:

So how can I mount this point without this issue?
Basic linux time. the directory you are mounting to has to exist. That means it must be there first. If /mnt/DATA2 is not a directory already then you SHOULD get the error when mounting. You have to put in a path to an accessible directory. such as

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/nvme0n1p3 /media/miketlap/DATA2

The place you are mounting to must exist. If you say that /mnt/DATA2 does not exist then you can't mount there. mount DOES NOT CREATE DIRECTORY.
Basic linux time. the directory you are mounting to has to exist. That means it must be there first. If /mnt/DATA2 is not a directory already then you SHOULD get the error when mounting. You have to put in a path to an accessible directory. such as

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/nvme0n1p3 /media/miketlap/DATA2

The place you are mounting to must exist. If you say that /mnt/DATA2 does not exist then you can't mount there. mount DOES NOT CREATE DIRECTORY.
Yes it makes sense that the directory has to exist before, but if I try to execute the command on command line without having mounted the drive before I get this error message:
ntfs-3g-mount: failed to access mountpoint /media/miketlap/DATA2: No such file or directory
After that if I mount the drive via the graphical file explorer by Ubuntu, and execute the same command again in the command line and the drive gets properly mounted. Do I need to mount everytime the drive via the UI before to get access? That doesn't make much sense to me.
The drive also gets still shown as full access mode and the wired thing is that one has as owner root and the other me as user. Why?
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Windows 11 is not always encrypted by default (see here and here), and you can take care during the install to ensure it is not encrypted, if you want. Of course chntpw will not defeat encryption, and Win 11 may be encrypted more often than not.

I can mount my windows 11 drives without any windows credentials ( of course I need admin in Linux to do this )

Yes it makes sense that the directory has to exist before, but if I try to execute the command on command line without having mounted the drive before I get this error message:

After that if I mount the drive via the graphical file explorer by Ubuntu, and execute the same command again in the command line and the drive gets properly mounted. Do I need to mount everytime the drive via the UI before to get access? That doesn't make much sense to me.
The drive also gets still shown as full access mode and the wired thing is that one has as owner root and the other me as user. Why?
View attachment 18692
now I am confused. I got out of that, that you are mounting the drive after mounting the drive. That means you are mounting it twice. You only mount it once and long as you can see it then you are fine. to make it permanent you need to edit the fstab file in the /etc directory.
now I am confused. I got out of that, that you are mounting the drive after mounting the drive. That means you are mounting it twice. You only mount it once and long as you can see it then you are fine. to make it permanent you need to edit the fstab file in the /etc directory.
Yes I know. The drive gets mounted properly, but the full access still remains (i.e. full green color). This is something I don't want, because I want to restrict my partition to me only and not to everyone. Ok, I am working on my own laptop alone, but I also don't want to let full access to the partition.