Getting 5.1 surround working with creative Labs Sound Blaster card and Tumbleweed.


New Member
Dec 23, 2023
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Hello, I have been troubleshooting my audio setup with tumbleweed for a while now and I'm hitting my limit what I can troubleshoot on my own without help. I have Supermicro threadripper board whose onboard audio has seemingly died, the system shows that it's there, but it won't produce audio.
No big deal, I grabbed a Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus PCIE sound card online. A part of me wishes I would have dug deeper for another, cheaper, PCIE sound card with better Linux support, but I was in a hurry to get my audio back.
Either way, right now I have audio, but with my tumbleweed sitting with Pipewire installed, I am limited to just regular stereo output, no 5.1 surround. If I go to audio settings, selecting stereo output gives audio, anything beyond that, no audio. I currently have my 5.1 surround speakers attached.
I have tried this without Pipewire, just PulseAudio, stereo works fine, but selecting any profile beyond that would actually crash PulseAudio... So Pipewire is an improvement.

Thank you for any help that you can provide,

Creative do not support Linux [they only produce Windows drivers]
There should be Kernel drivers available to versions 5.0 and higher, Void Linux did develop drivers some time back for use with kernel 4.0 but I do not know if it would be compatible with SUSE.

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