Hey Guys. :) I'm still alive. :D


Active Member
May 16, 2017
Reaction score
Since COVID and quarantine started (which ended soon after 2021-22), my already-prevalent lack of interest in socializing (I have Austism, as some of you here know) took a huge blow. I still called people and visited others, but mostly just stayed in my room, making up excuses to stay home. I tried getting work with people who needed to get their PCs checked out. I'm self-employed, so I have a hard time with advertising, and some speech difficulties. But since 2020, people already couldn't afford many things, so I could see why people might not want help with PCs. I don't charge much, but it's enough to where someone who has a family and a low-paying job would have trouble with paying me. So I sit, and practice Programming.... Anyway, this is my long-winded way of saying:

TL;DR My Autism got DDoS'd by the hacker Corona-man, and I crash-landed in a metaphorical ditch. :) The fuselage careened into a Walmart.

Good to see that you're alive and kicking. Though, you were here not too long ago (from your posting history), but you're definitely a 'sporadic' participant.

The fuselage careened into a Walmart.

That amused me. Given the circumstances, I'd say that's valid. :D
Good to see that you're alive and kicking. Though, you were here not too long ago (from your posting history), but you're definitely a 'sporadic' participant.

That amused me. Given the circumstances, I'd say that's valid. :D
Yeah, thanks. I'm terrible with consistency. I don't think we've met. Some time before 2020, I remember the Penguin guy ScottsGeek being an Admin, or a Moderator. I also remember others like @atanere ... Are you new-ish here? :) It's nice to meet you. :D
It's been a while! Good to see you are back! Anything new with Linux or BSD that you have been doing?
Are you new-ish here?

You've been here while I was a mod, but you've not done anything that'd make me stand out and say something. You could say I'm new here, as I'm newer than you are. But, that's a rather subjective newness. I've been here for years.

The mod bit just means I'm a glorified janitor. I only do moderator things when I have to.
G'day Adam, long time no hear.

You've got

Jun 17, 1991

in your profile. Can you change that or do you need me to, and to what?

We'll bake a cake.

Welcome back, (from a new member here, but not to Linux, been using it full time since 1999). :)
I don't think I've seen you on here until now, but maybe you had temporarily left before I joined this forum back in January of 2021. I have Autism as well, and while I've been known to stick my foot in my mouth on occasion (which happened a lot more when I was younger), my social skills have seen a noticeable improvement and I'm often more comfortable in my own skin these days. The challenges you and I have had to face because of our disabilities have sucked, but at the same time, we'll get significantly further ahead in life than most of the population because of them.