How do I edit my grub config file?

  • Thread starter lucasbytegenius
  • Start date


How do I edit my grub config file? I need to change which OS is selected by default, and I can't figure out how to edit it. I do remember it was a command that I typed in the terminal last time I edited it, which was two years ago.

Try edit the file /boot/grub/grub.conf (also has symlink to /etc/grub.conf)
How do I edit my grub config file? I need to change which OS is selected by default, and I can't figure out how to edit it. I do remember it was a command that I typed in the terminal last time I edited it, which was two years ago.
What Version of Grub do you have? The Problem is with version 2. The configuration will be flexible generated and moved to the /boot. Everything is located to /etc/
There is a gui app to edit grub2 but I haven't used it. I know how to edit grub legacy so I try to stick with that. The application is "GRUB Customizer". I tried to post a link but haven't posted enough to have that privilege yet. Just do a search for at Muktware.