New to Linux

G'day Freepoorman, Welcome to

the journey is not as long and involved as you may think.....depending on what you use your pc for.

Good Luck
Hi! & Welcome to Freepoorman-:)

I encourage you to go to distrowatch and try a few Linux distro's in a virtual machine or a Live USB.
That way you can find out which Linux distro you like.

And, the best way to get good at using Linux is to install it or run it Live and start learning.

Thanks! I figured it would be much harder than it has been... Luckily I found this forum which has been a huge help
We have a great team here at
The members here are exceptionally good with Linux so you're in the right place.

Welcome Aboard!
...try a few Linux distro's in a virtual machine
Thank you! This is method I've been using. I decided to stick with Mint for an every day practical OS that I can use to program android apps in, and I'll have another VM with Parrot Sec where I can learn more advanced linux commands and other fun things
Welcome to the forum.

Enjoy your Linux, and fire away with any questions in a thread in one of the subforums.

Chris Turner
Thank you sir. I am learning a lot just by reading through and interacting with other posts for now, if I get stuck with something I will be sure to ask questions and further benefit from the forum's collective knowledge
if you use your pc for simple everyday stuff, emails,music,pics,browsing the net, banking, is a piece of cake.

On the other hand, if you use some specific windows apps, you might want to chat about them first....we have alternatives for just about every app on earth,

@Alexzee's suggestion above is a good one. Setting up a virtual machine may be within your capabilities and then again it may not.
I can tell you that running Linux on a "LIVE" usb stick is something you can definitely do.

I just saw your post above

You are basically up and running !!...Linux Mint is a good choice.....bagloads of support.

Mint for an every day practical OS that I can use to program android apps in, and I'll have another VM with Parrot Sec
You will have no problems

Your hardest decision will be to figure out what is the next step.

you have continuing to run Linux in Virtual, until such time as you tire of doing that, and then maybe just boot to a Live vesion and maybe do the full install form there ....wiping windows may elect to do a 'dual boot" with windows....or perhaps even keep windows on whatever drive it is on and use another drive to Install Linux on......bag loads of choices........all easy and doable. The type of pc you have may influence the choices as well......desktop tower or laptop....laptop can be a fair pain to put another drive in....etc etc

Whichever way you go, you have got this. I can tell from the words/language you have used.
Thank you, I appreciate the boost to my confidence. I've already thought about it and I will most likely end up with Mint (or whatever distro is my new favorite) as a host running Windows VM for gaming and 1 or 2 other distros on VMs (for other hobbies)
:)...Welcome to the fun...:)
Morning, we have already spoken, so Welcome, you have started your Linux journey, the learning curve can be long or steep which will depend on you,
So, kick off your shoes, sit back, grab a beer and enjoy the ride
Welcome to the forums, like others said it's not that hard, the beginnings might be intimidating but if your persist soon enough (like 6 months) you'll overcome all beginner hurdles.
@Freepoorman :-

Welcome to! As many have stated above, this is a brilliant forum for beginners to get help on.....and if WE can't help you get up-and-running, I will be extremely surprised.

Between us, I think we cover pretty well all the bases,'re in good hands. As m'colleague @Brickwizard says, the steepness of the learning curve is up to you; we can't really control that, but Linux is far more user-friendly than it used to be!

Enjoy your time here. We'll do what we can to help.

Mike. ;)
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Welcome to the forum.

Take small steps and learn Linux as you use Linux.

The important thing with Linux is to enjoy your Linux. ;)
Thank you everyone. I didn't expect Linux to be this user friendly, I'm getting along ok for now

I tell people to just use Linux and learn as they need to.

Also, learning by breaking is a viable strategy - and it's okay to break things.

As for the rest, things are generally where you'd expect them to be. If you're looking for a browser, look in the application menu under the Internet section. It's a fairly logical thing.

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