no wireless extentions in kali


New Member
Dec 7, 2023
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i have this problem
no wireless extentions
and i downloaded compat-wireless2010-6-28
but nothing happened i tried so many things
please if anyone can help me solve this problem help me

Welcome to the forums,
let's get the nasty bit over first.. Kali is not for those without a competency and experience using the Linux terminal [read the full Kali documentation.. link on their download page]
Wi-fi and Kali are a regular problem for Linux newbies, and usually boils down to lack of suitable drivers in the Kali distribution,
check the status of your WI-Fi, by installing inxi from the software manager, and running [from the terminal] inxi -Nnz, if it says status down, or doesn't show the Wi-Fi card then copy and paste back the results
oh i forgot saying that im using kali in virtual box
oh i forgot saying that im using kali in virtual box

In which case you need to learn how a VM works.
A vm is a guest of the main [host] OS and as such has no direct connection to the outside world, you can only connect using the "Bridge" to the host OS
If you want a VM to have dir4ect contact you will need a second wi-fi [usb dongle] the correct drivers for that dongle, and to alter the parameters of the USB controller in the VM
oh i understand that means if i installed kali on the disk direcetly the problem will be solved?
and thanks
i installed kali on the disk direcetly the problem will be solved
Yes and no, yes you will be able to connect direct to the outside world, BUT you may still have problems installing the wi-fi drivers.
IF you are not experienced with Linux then you will be better off sticking to a VM, or better still use a usb pen-drive [min 30gb] install Kali with persistence, using either of these methods will protect your main OS when you Bulk the system [and as a newbie you will at some point]
Moved to Kali.

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