Nvidia driver


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Feb 13, 2024
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What’s the advantage of using my distress nvidia packages over the nvidia installer

What’s the advantage of using my distress nvidia packages over the nvidia installer
Dude, using the distro's Nvidia packages has its advantages. First off, you'll get proper integration with your Linux system, ensuring smoother updates and compatibility. It also simplifies the installation process since you can install the drivers using your package manager without messing with external installers. Plus, the distro maintainers have already done some testing to make sure it plays nice with your system. It's all about that stability, man.
Dude, using the distro's Nvidia packages has its advantages. First off, you'll get proper integration with your Linux system, ensuring smoother updates and compatibility. It also simplifies the installation process since you can install the drivers using your package manager without messing with external installers. Plus, the distro maintainers have already done some testing to make sure it plays nice with your system. It's all about that stability, man.
Hey dude, you forgot to mention that Nvidia installer might provide better gaming experience because that driver will be more up to date.
Hey dude, you forgot to mention that Nvidia installer might provide better gaming experience because that driver will be more up to date.
Ah, my bad, dude! You're right, the Nvidia installer can sometimes provide a more up-to-date driver, which can be beneficial for gaming, especially if you're using the latest hardware or want the latest features. So if you're really focused on gaming performance and staying on the bleeding edge, the Nvidia installer might be the way to go. Just keep in mind that it might require a bit more effort to install and maintain compared to the distro packages. It's all about finding that right balance, man!
Just keep in mind that it might require a bit more effort to install and maintain compared to the distro packages. It's all about finding that right balance, man!
You're wise!
Let's see if the OP is ready to push the effort to learn how to install Nvidia drivers.

If yes, then I'll provide them detailed steps and you feel free to correct my steps.
You're wise!
Let's see if the OP is ready to push the effort to learn how to install Nvidia drivers.

If yes, then I'll provide them detailed steps and you feel free to correct my steps.
Thanks, dude! I'm always here to lend a hand. If the OP is ready to dive into the world of installing Nvidia drivers manually, here are some steps you can provide:

1. First, make sure you're connected to the internet and have a terminal open. We're gonna do this the Linux way!

2. Download the latest Nvidia driver from the Nvidia website. Make sure you choose the correct driver for your specific GPU model.

3. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the driver. Use the cd command to move around.

4. Before installing the driver, it's essential to disable the default open-source Nouveau driver, which might conflict with the Nvidia driver. To do that, create a new file at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf with the following content:
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0

5. Save the file and exit the text editor. Then, run the following command to update the initial RAM filesystem:
sudo update-initramfs -u

6. Reboot your system. This will ensure that the Nouveau driver is properly disabled.

7. After the reboot, log in, and open a terminal again. Navigate to the directory where the Nvidia driver installer is located.

8. Before running the installer, make it executable by running the following command:
chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-XXX.XX.run
Replace NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-XXX.XX.run with the actual name of the installer file.

9. To start the installation process, run the following command:
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-XXX.XX.run
Again, replace NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-XXX.XX.run with the actual name of the installer file.

10. Follow the on-screen prompts during the installation process. You may need to agree to some license agreements or modify installation options.

11. Once the installation is complete, restart your system to activate the newly installed Nvidia driver.

That's it, dude! You should now have the Nvidia driver up and running on your system. Just remember to keep up with future driver updates by visiting the Nvidia website periodically. Let me know if you have any questions or if I missed anything along the way!
Hey dude, you forgot to mention that Nvidia installer might provide better gaming experience because that driver will be more up to date.
So use the nvidia one then
More up to date
And the only con is it’s not as integrated
So use the nvidia one then
More up to date
And the only con is it’s not as integrated
If by "integrated" you mean integrated with your Debian system then the answer is yes, meaning you won't be able to auto update the official driver downloaded from nvidia site.

You will need to manually update it every time there is new release of the driver.

Please make your choice and say so, I suggest you don't follow steps provided by the @TuxBot out of the box because it's not as simple, there are few possible gotchas and you need to be ready for them.

I myself use an RTX 1560 GPU on Debian system and have installed the official driver from nvidia site, however I faced issues that was able to fix and it now works without issues, so if you face them you'll need additional steps to re-enable nouveau driver otherwise you won't be able to boot simply into your desktop.
Hey dude, you forgot to mention that Nvidia installer might provide better gaming experience because that driver will be more up to date.
So use the nvidia one then
More up to date
And the only con is it’s not as integrated
Yeah, that's a fair assessment, dude! If you prioritize a more up-to-date driver for gaming, using the Nvidia installer can indeed provide a better gaming experience. The main downside is that it's not as integrated into your Linux system as the distro packages. So while you may get the benefit of the latest features and optimizations, you may have to put in a bit more effort when it comes to installation and maintenance. It's a trade-off between the bleeding edge and the stability of the distro packages. It's all about finding that right balance that works for you, man!
So use the nvidia one then
More up to date
And the only con is it’s not as integrated
If by "integrated" you mean integrated with your Debian system then the answer is yes, meaning you won't be able to auto update the official driver downloaded from nvidia site.

You will need to manually update it every time there is new release of the driver.

Please make your choice and say so, I suggest you don't follow steps provided by the @TuxBot out of the box because it's not as simple, there are few possible gotchas and you need to be ready for them.

I myself use an RTX 1560 GPU on Debian system and have installed the official driver from nvidia site, however I faced issues that was able to fix and it now works without issues, so if you face them you'll need additional steps to re-enable nouveau driver otherwise you won't be able to boot simply into your desktop.
Whoa, dude! Looks like you're ready to take the plunge into installing the Nvidia driver directly from their site. You're correct that using the Nvidia installer will give you a more up-to-date driver, which can be beneficial for gaming and accessing the latest features.

However, the downside is that the Nvidia installer won't be as integrated with your Debian system compared to using the distro's package manager. Since the official Nvidia driver won't be automatically updated through the package manager, you'll need to manually update it each time Nvidia releases a new driver version.

Keep in mind that installing the Nvidia driver from their site may have some potential challenges and gotchas. It's always a good idea to be prepared for any issues that may arise. You mentioned that you faced some issues with your RTX 1560 GPU, and you were able to fix them by re-enabling the Nouveau driver.

So, if you're ready to put in the effort and tackle any potential obstacles that might come your way, go ahead and choose the Nvidia installer. Just remember to be cautious, have a backup plan, and be prepared to troubleshoot if things don't go as planned.

If you decide to go this route, let me know and I can provide you with some additional tips and guidance to help you through the process.
A few possible gotchas I mentioned are:

1. Official Nvidia driver is not digitally signed, therefore the OP won't be able to boot if safe mode is ON and will need to either disable safe boot or sign the driver with their own machine owner key.

2. Present debian kernel (6.1.0) has some bugs that are specific to some NVIDIA cards, so the OP will need to install a newer kernel from debian backports if they face that problem to be able to install the driver

3. Installing the driver requires to turn off desktop mode and to work entirely on command line which requires the OP to memorize (or note down) all the commands to run in the shell to be able to either install the driver or roll back changes if install fails, followed by re-enabling desktop mode.

4. There is no 32 bit support on 64 bit system without hackery, meaning only being able to play x64 games and graphics software that uses OpenGL or similar libraries

5. Installing the driver itself requires to download kernel headers for the kernel that's in use otherwise installation will fail, in addition the following packages need to be installed: build-essential libglvnd-dev pkg-config


You see to explain all this stuff in detail so that a newbie can do it successfuly would take a lot of writing on my side, so unless the OP is a graphics designer or a gamer that shaves off milliseconds and is willing to do it and follow I won't be writing all the steps.
A few possible gotchas I mentioned are:

1. Official Nvidia driver is not digitally signed, therefore the OP won't be able to boot if safe mode is ON and will need to either disable safe boot or sign the driver with their own machine owner key.

2. Present debian kernel (6.1.0) has some bugs that are specific to some NVIDIA cards, so the OP will need to install a newer kernel from debian backports if they face that problem to be able to install the driver

3. Installing the driver requires to turn off desktop mode and to work entirely on command line which requires the OP to memorize (or note down) all the commands to run in the shell to be able to either install the driver or roll back changes if install fails, followed by re-enabling desktop mode.

4. There is no 32 bit support on 64 bit system without hackery, meaning only being able to play x64 games and graphics software that uses OpenGL or similar libraries

5. Installing the driver itself requires to download kernel headers for the kernel that's in use otherwise installation will fail, in addition the following packages need to be installed: build-essential libglvnd-dev pkg-config


You see to explain all this stuff in detail so that a newbie can do it successfuly would take a lot of writing on my side, so unless the OP is a graphics designer or a gamer that shaves off milliseconds and is willing to do it and follow I won't be writing all the steps.
Thanks for highlighting those potential gotchas, dude! You've covered some important points that can definitely be challenging for a newbie. Considering the complexity and the potential risks involved, I totally understand why you wouldn't want to go through the trouble of explaining all the detailed steps. It's crucial to ensure that the user has a good understanding of the process and is willing to invest the time and effort before diving into installing the Nvidia driver from the official site.

It's always important to assess the situation and make an informed decision based on the specific needs and technical capabilities of the user. If the user is not comfortable with the potential complexities or risks involved, it might be better to stick with the distro packages or explore other alternative solutions.

Thanks for your input, dude! It's all about finding the approach that works best for the individual's needs and capabilities.