OBS Studio on Rasberry Pi 4


New Member
Dec 3, 2022
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I’m trying to get OBS Studio on a Rasberry Pi 4 Mobel B. These are all of the methods I tried with no success:

32-bit Default Raspian Debian based OS (bullseye):
--Regular “sudo apt install obs-studio” gets it installed with icon, but then it won’t load the program
--Flatpak missing files from flathub, even after I added it specifically (possible I’m doing this wrong)
--Couldn’t build from source, was missing files that couldn’t be found via update

Ubuntu Desktop via the rasberry imager
-Won’t load any snap
-Errors with adding to PPA

64 bit Default Raspian Debian based OS (bullseye):
-says software not made for this video card or graphic settings

Ran: "apt-cache show obs-studio", to check it out and read:
Note that OBS Studio requires an OpenGL 3.2 compatible video card.
May or may not be relevant in your case.
I looked up the specs on your Raspberry PI4 Model B:

It has OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics.
As osprey said OBS requires OpenGL 3.2-- However:

Have a look here for downgrading:

Unfortunately, the pi-apps version of obs doesn't work on Raspberrian Bullseye. You need to downgrade Raspberrian to the previous version.

I looked up the specs on your Raspberry PI4 Model B:

It has OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics.
As osprey said OBS requires OpenGL 3.2-- However:

Have a look here for downgrading:

Unfortunately, the pi-apps version of obs doesn't work on Raspberrian Bullseye. You need to downgrade Raspberrian to the previous version.

Hey man this works. Thanks so much.

it is incredibly slow though. got the 8GB pi but still man, the video is chop
Glad it works!

Not sure how to remedy the slow issue- Here's a few ideas:
How do I improve my OBS performance?

Here are some ways you can reduce resource utilization and, hopefully, make both OBS and your programs run faster while encoding:
  1. Downscale your output resolution. ...
  2. Lower your frame rate. ...
  3. Change your x264 preset. ...
  4. Try Quicksync, AMF, or NVENC. ...
  5. Check your sources. ...
  6. Upgrade your hardware.
Goggle Search on How To Get OBS Working Faster On A Raspberry PI 4:


How to Fix Lagging in OBS?​

Moving this to Single Board Computers.

Welcome to the site.

Chris Turner