System infos on desktop


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Hello guys.

Could somebody tell me how can I have system performance graphics on my desktop?

Something like this:

I see you are still "shopping" your way through the Arches, my friend? :). Good morning from DownUnder.

Is this your ArcoLinux?

What you are asking about is referred to as a "Conky". The plural is arguably conkies or conkys, I will go with Conkys here.

Conkys come in many sizes and shapes and Themes. Some will show as little as a graphical image of the time and date, and then they grow from there to show CPU, RAM, disk space, also processes running ala Top-style.

For Conkys that ship with a Distro, they will likely have their own config file somewhere, this is textual and contents can be tweaked or changed.

On a clean install with the Debian-based Distros, this config file does not exist until conky is installed or launched, and is usually called .conkyrc and is found in your Home folder with Hidden files revealed. For conkys that ship with a Distro, there is usually a toggle switch which will allow the conky to be switched on or off.

Tony George of Timeshift fame produces a product called Conky Manager which is the defacto industry standard for managing multiple conkys, this can be easily installed under Debian-based by adding his Repository via PPA as I have shown in my Timeshift Tutorial at this point

With Arch, I expect it would be installed using either of pacman or yaourt.

You could start with a Google search using "arcolinux conky" or "arch linux conky" and get some good articles via there.

Also, you can see some examples at Jas'

Jas (@JasKinasis ) will likely know much more about them than I, I have barely scratched the surface.

I am off for more coffee, and I will follow this Thread with interest, and contribute where I can :D


Yes, I saw that guide in my travels, and yes, I did get past the screenshot of the car :cool:

Always welcome, Bro' ;)
Well I got this far now Conky i'm trying to move it and make it transparent and also want to get rid of that thing on the bottom of my screen lol! lost I am...


  • Screenshot at 2019-01-17 09-23-15.png
    Screenshot at 2019-01-17 09-23-15.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 871
Well I got this far now Conky i'm trying to move it and make it transparent and also want to get rid of that thing on the bottom of my screen lol! lost I am...
You need to download a theme first !
More details later I’m on move !
got theme still trying to figure things out lol!
With a few words make a new dir in your home directory : something like ~/.conky
And in there put your theme that you download from web.
And then make a small script with nano or vim (whatever you prefer) which should be something like this


Conky -c ~/.conky

And put it in your path.
Unfortunately in not home and use my phone now . I hope till I will be back home , you will figure it out ! ;)
I'm just new to all of this but I learn fast and thanks for your time. ;)

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