The black bar at the top... Can it be moved?


Jul 7, 2021
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The black bar thing at the top that say Activities time and date and power... I'm not sure what it is called. Otherwise I'd have searched better.

Can I move it?

Also the bar at the bottom that has your browser Files ... in it what it this called? I may want to move this too.

Yes I am new to all this so I do not know what they are called. It is hard to search for or about something you do know the names of.

@ZennMystic , g'day.

In any support thread you open it is advised to give us the name and version of the Linux distro you are using, also the DE (desktop environment).

Although you have another thread saying you were planning to install Debian 12 and try a couple of DEs we should not have to go looking for that.

If you go to Terminal and type in and enter

inxi -S

and report back the output, that will help. Mine, in a Linux Mint, looks as follows

chris@VictoriaCinn-SSD:~$ inxi -S
  Host: VictoriaCinn-SSD Kernel: 5.15.0-78-generic x86_64 bits: 64
    Desktop: Cinnamon 5.8.4 Distro: Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria

You could also provide us with a screenshot of the Desktop. If you are not sure how to do so, have a thorough read of my thread here

From the looks of what you have written, you may be using the GNOME DE, and you could tell us where you want to move the panels to (top, bottom, left right).


Chris Turner
oh I thought since I posted in Debian the tread.. but yes I am running Debian 12. Sorry about that. Yes gnome.

I ran the command yes asked and get:

Host: debian12-pc Kernel: 6.1.0-11-amd64 arch: x86_64 bits: 64
Desktop: GNOME v: 43.6 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)


  • DeskTop.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 212
That's great, thanks.

Also the bar at the bottom that has your browser Files ... in it what it this called? I may want to move this too.

Was that the bar (panel) or just the Files launcher (icon)?

The File Manager (FM) for GNOME is Nautilus, but usually known as Files.

I only have Debian 12 'Bookworm' Cinnamon in my stable at the moment, but can download the iso and either install it or put it in a virtual machine (VirtualBox).

I am in Australia so it may take 24 hours before I can give you a definitive answer.

We have a number of other Members who are Debian users, so if one comes along with advice by all means consider their input.

The black bar at the top. were the time and things are I would like to move it somewhere. Leta say the bottom and then I need to move the thing with browser and files in it say to the left I think Ubuntu has this?
Thanks Duck - dash to dock is what I was looking for. I could not get it to work on the Virtual Machine guest I have created, but the OP (original poster, that's you @ZennMystic ) may have better luck.

If not, I was able to get another extension to work, from the GNOME Extensions website, and the result is as pictured.


The object of the exercise is to be able to right-click the 9-dot cube for Show Applications, and get a smart tip for Dash to Dock Settings, which you can click to adjust appearances.

So if you have no joy with @The Duck 's lead, I found my answer here

With that one, when I clicked the smart tip, the Settings opened with only a Preview option showing, but I found I could scroll up for more. That could be a vagary of the virtual machine I used, not sure.

If you do take my option, after a no success with the other, first of all undo what you have done with

sudo apt purge gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock

and then work from there


Will this also let me move the black bar at the top Activities one?

Thank you guys for the input.
"Just perfection" extension allows you to set top panel to bottom or top
You sound like you would have been better with Cinnamon desktop or KDE. If you choose randomly GNOME take a look at those desktop environments
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yes I just installed the default. I have used Cinnamon before. I will try the extensions first.

But I would like to ask.. As another option... Can I swap out the default desktop for Cinnamon if I want to do so without reinstall?
yes I just installed the default. I have used Cinnamon before. I will try the extensions first.

But I would like to ask.. As another option... Can I swap out the default desktop for Cinnamon if I want to do so without reinstall?
Yes you can, just follow the correct instructions, and make another thread with relevant title
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I started using Linux with Debian 10 and that wasn't so much thought out for new users, with Debian 11 things changed, now Debian is as friendly as any other user friendly distribution and still is the most stable of them all
I tried Debian back in 2014 and it wasn't user friendly neither were the Debian forums back then.
Debian forums haven't changed and still aren't new user friendly from what I've seen on several of them.
I tried Debian back in 2014 and it wasn't user friendly neither were the Debian forums back then.
Debian forums haven't changed and still aren't new user friendly from what I've seen on several of them.
Well, may not be so welcoming with open arms in the Debian user forum, but they are up to the task every time and it is very hard to ban you, you have to be very annoying and disrespectful. From the other hand, I've been banned from the Linux Mint forums for a joke I made and they didn't accept my apology

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