Today's article has you making an animated gif...

Not me! ;)

I haven't learned much GIMP myself. But Google and YouTube help with most of my questions about it (and many other things).

I keep telling myself that I'll learn to use GIMP. I've even bought a couple of books.

It seems like one of those things I'm never going to get to, but it'd be handy to know how.

I've never been artistic in the sense of drawing or painting. I've actually taken a number of art classes. I can do a decent job if I'm recreating something. Like, I can sketch out my hand and it'll look very good. I can't draw something from my imagination very well.

That may be what hinders me, the thoughts that I won't create anything of value.

I get what I need from screenshots and adding arrows or text, I suppose.

I did create this recently - but I actually made it with AI.


I use it as a header image in my newsletter.

Lol, still gotta change 1,000 in text, and 2,000 in the following command


Thanks for thanking me at the bottom, though :)
Love it. Thanks for being tolerant of my pedantry.

Love it. Thanks for being tolerant of my pedantry.


I wasn't doing anything better with my time. ;-)

I was supposed to have guests but they decided to not brave the snow.

We got about 50 cm of snow, maybe a bit more.
If I want GIFs these days, it's usually to demonstrate summat on the desktop. Peek works really well for this; either that, or one of our members has built his own wee GIF-recording app (creates them directly) using ffmpeg and scrot.

We also have a script that will take any short video clip in at one end & spits out a GIF file at t'other, again using the ever-amazing ffmpeg...

Mike. :p

I'm familiar with man pages but the man page for FFmpeg makes my eyes glaze over.

It's everything AND the kitchen sink.

I'm familiar with man pages but the man page for FFmpeg makes my eyes glaze over.

It's everything AND the kitchen sink.
Aye, you're not far wrong there.

I've built a couple of small apps/utilities using ffmpeg, but I've kinda "cherry-picked" out bits that do what I want (with a fair bit of help from places like the various StackExchange sites to "narrow things down"), y'know? You cannot do enough research when you're working with it, I find.

I know people who've been working with it for many years, and they STILL regularly make cock-ups! That said, because it's so universally acknowledged as THE "final solution" where audio & video manipulation are concerned, this is WHY so many multimedia apps use it as their backend.

I'm like you. Trying to go into the documentation for it, I am LOST. I thought the mPlayer project had a big pile of documentation - it's been going for over 20 years - but honestly, ffmpeg's makes that look like a few scrappy jottings in the margin of a notebook or summat....

The sheer volume of documentation is horrendous......but you can't complain that it isn't "thorough".

Mike. :p