Today's thread is about Flatpak...


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Jul 23, 2020
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The short version is that today's article is about installing Flatpak in Lubuntu. This will work for other distros, though Mint should support Flatpak natively - as will some other distros. I made this one specific to Lubuntu, but I include directions at the bottom for those using Ubuntu who also want to add Flatpaks to their Software Manager.

It's not that complicated and enables a whole new world of applications that are sandboxed and come shipped with everything they need.

So, there's an article...

I finally got a full install of Linux Mint. I have a lot to learn. I have no idea what Flatpak is or what it does. It sounds like something I'll probably need. This seems like a good read for me as I begin my Linux journey.

As you are using Linux Mint, you don't have to do anything to enable Flatpak. Support is built in, as a default.
Missed that word, natively.

Enjoy! There's a ton of software that's trivial to install.

You don't even have to go to the repository to find it, as they're included in your regular software manager. You can even tell when it's a Flatpak and not a traditional package.

See this image:

Software Manager_001.png
Enjoy! There's a ton of software that's trivial to install.

You don't even have to go to the repository to find it, as they're included in your regular software manager. You can even tell when it's a Flatpak and not a traditional package.

See this image:

View attachment 18016
I feel like it's Xmas and I'm opening gifts! I looked at the software manager. Wow! But I have a few things I need to do before exploring. Then the questions. I've already been using some of them, specifically Libre Office.
What is useful and relatively bug less software for flatpack?
What is useful and relatively bug less software for flatpack?

I've never noticed any major bugs with any of the software. In the article, there's a link to the FlatHub repo and you can browse software there.

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