[too complicated, so closing] being tracked by chrome


Jan 2, 2023
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if you're using chrome (not chromium), and don't use gmail email, and don't buy anything online, what kind of info can google track on me

if you're using chrome (not chromium), and don't use gmail email, and don't buy anything online, what kind of info can google track on me
The same answers apply in this thread for the same or similar question you asked in post #5 in this thread.

Chrome and Chromium both track any and all data just as many other browsers do regardless of what they may tell you.

Rule #1 is if it's on the WWW it's being tracked by someone somewhere.
if you're using chrome (not chromium), and don't use gmail email, and don't buy anything online, what kind of info can google track on me
Have a look through Rob Braxman's channel on YouTube. He has several where he goes over how websites, such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook, can track you pretty much regardless of what you do on your end. Every device accessing the web leaves a fingerprint that can be tracked. If you're not jumping through a ton of hoops every time you get on the web, they know who you are and what you're doing. Until there are laws preventing what they do, you might as well get accustomed to it and live your life not worrying about it. Just don't do things that could come back to bite you down the road and you'll be fine.

PS .. He also goes over ways to help slow those companies down on tracking you. Bunches and bunches of hoops to jump through.
You're also tracked by your IP address.

Then, there are things like Google's Analytics that track you with a cookie. Given that they're the 'industry standard', you'll find that script on a large percentage of the sites you visit.

You get to decide what you want to accomplish and how valuable those tasks are to you vs how much data you're willing to exchange - or how much effort you're willing to put into trying to block some of it.
@marbles :-

The Duck's spot-on, as always. But what Google don't make generally known is that they don't limit themselves to just what the browsers sniff out about you. Big Brother are the 'sponsors' behind any number of third-party trackers.....many of which can do their work of finding things out about you via a single pixel on a web-page. And in many cases, you would never know it....

Mike. ;)
Does hardened FF and Brave make any difference?

The more you try to hide, the more you change your signal. While Brave is a bit more popular, you will stand out just for using that browser.

The good news is that Brave may just appear as 'Chromium' to the trackers.

I can go through my logs and see not only what browser you're using but which specific version of that browser you're using. I can tell your screen size, if you have JavaScript enabled, and all sorts of other stuff - and that's just in my logs. That's without prying. If I wanted, I could learn a lot more about your browser than that, but I really don't give a poop and don't need the information for anything interesting.

But, it I owned a network of sites and wanted to do my best to track you? Yeah, it'd be pretty easy to learn more about you.

These are Chrome users in the past 30 days:

I used to try and be invisible and then I read somewhere the more you try to hide the more you stand out and become easier to see.

I just try to blend in with the rest and try not to be a beacon.

I can tighten my internet up so tight where none can see what I look like.

Guess what all some has to do is go to any website I visited.

My doctor's office or the Veterans Administration websites and get all of the information about me they want.

I'll guarantee ya them websites are some of the least maintained websites around.

The reason I know that to be fact is I know people who work at those places.

Privacy is a thing of the past and has been for many years since the WWW.

I love the people who say I don't use the internet I go in to places to pay my bills or do my business.

Guess what suckers the folks at the places you visit to do your business has all of your information on their computers.

Most user confidential and personal information is being drained after every visit.

Trust nothing online or no one online or anywhere for that matter nowadays.

I'm not paranoid :rolleyes: I'm just cautious :p and know the reality of marketing user data or personal information is worth money.
I'll guarantee ya them websites are some of the least maintained websites around.

Yup. I'm involved in the OPM hack.

Yes, I used to have my security clearance. Yes, I even needed it as a civilian. Yes, they stole all that data - from everything I knew to everyone I knew. The data stolen contained everything asked when you filled out the forms (and they are VERY extensive, as I'm sure you know). They even know my best friend in grade school - and that's not a joke.

They also know all the information they gathered about me when processing that application. All of it. Every report, every comment, every fact found...

In return, I got a WHOLE YEAR'S worth of credit monitoring. I didn't even get an official apology.
I'm not paranoid :rolleyes: I'm just cautious :p and know the reality of marketing user data or personal information is worth money.
And there you have it. In a nutshell.

Your efforts to 'safeguard' your marketing data and or personal info is probably giving you unnecessary headaches/stress

Why?....because 'they' already have sufficient info about you and yours to bring a smile to their faces.

Trust your bank?....good luck with that. They are a 'money making' concern. They may appear 'different' on the surface. That is all you are meant to see.
I used to try and be invisible and then I read somewhere the more you try to hide the more you stand out and become easier to see.

Just use throwaway operating systems and, if you are full-on paranoid, throw away (as in buy, use, sell, buy new) hardware. That pretty much does the trick even if you use the default windows.

You can not generate data when "using the internet", but you can be a single timer user who's data can't be correlated to his previous sessions. Thats good enough for most cases I think.

If you have beefy hardware, srsly look at qubes-os. it comes with whonix installed by default. Thats really all you need.

There was this SUPER long article somewhere on the darknet that lists pretty much everything you can do to stay anonymous but i cant find it anymore xD
Well living in the US is pretty hardcore, yes.. In the EU its a bit better, but then again we have the US, RU, CN and your 13yo hacker neighbor spying on us xD

who are they? the "gov"?

In return, I got a WHOLE YEAR'S worth of credit monitoring. I didn't even get an official apology.

Whats that (for non US ppl)?
Whats that (for non US ppl)?

It's meant to stop people from stealing your identity.

The credit reporting agencies are in charge of (indirectly) all the credit here. You get a credit score and that's easily found. When someone tries to open a line of credit, the agency reports it. This notifies you if anyone requests an open credit line in your name.

I just lock it. Meaning the credit reporting agencies will report my credit as 'locked' and those trying to open a line of credit in my name are less able to do so when they run a credit check. If I need credit for some reason I can unlock my credit report temporarily and lock it back up again.
Anymore I don't worry about who knows what as they already have what they want or need about me it's just a matter of when whoever decides to use it.
The three letter agencies and Google and Facebook know everything about you, there is no hiding. Your base belongs to them!
Well, I figured out long ago that trying to make yourself invisible is just totally pointless. Hell, I've had a Google a/c almost from day one; that's a quarter century of them sucking up all the data they can on me.

You know what? I honestly couldn't care. I don't use credit cards; never had one in my life. The only two things I need concern myself with are my bank a/cs.....a savings a/c, and a current a/c, both with the same bank. A savings a/c, by it's very nature CANNOT go overdrawn.....and I long since arranged for the axe to fall on my current a/c the instant it goes a penny into the red. I cannot go into debt, because the bank now won't allow it.....and neither a/c ever has enough in it to be worth worrying about.

I deal in cash for most things. Sure, I get snotty comments from some folks because I won't pay with plastic. That's their problem. I just move on elsewhere. There's still a LOT of folks in the UK who feel the same as I do, and more and more folks are closing credit a/cs in recent years...not opening them.

Here, more and more are trying to live within their means, and if that means they CAN'T have the latest shiny gadget.....tough.


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