Solved 'Unable to Load Idlinux.c32'

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How do you get to the busybox prompt when you turn on your computer?

In that case, it would be a full distro.
@dos2unix :-

Is busybox a full implementation, or just a subsystem like WSL?

I can answer this, because Puppy has used it since the very beginning. It's a collection of around 400 of the most commonly-used Unix/Linux commands all compiled into a single executable.......and it behaves differently depending on how it's called.

It's not a 'sub-system' like WSL, oh no; it's designed for bare-metal, direct use.......mainly in space-constrained systems - like embedded systems - though featherweight Linux OSs have a history of using it too. It's also used by many routers, and by a lot of ioT appliances, as well. Busybox has zero relevance to whether you're running a 'full' system or is what it is. And what it is, is primarily designed for saving space.

Busybox at Wikipedia...

I'm pretty sure TinyCore makes use of it.....and I'm almost certain its "spiritual" predecessor, DamnSmallLinux, also used it (just for a couple of examples).

Mike. ;)
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Busybox has zero relevance to whether you're running a 'full' system or otherwise

I agree, but there wouldn't be a sysLinux boot file if it was a subsystem. :)
I agree, but there wouldn't be a sysLinux boot file if it was a subsystem. :)
Oh, yah.....point taken. But I still repeat that Busybox is what it is - a space-saving device for anyone who wants to "keep the weight down". And that's regardless of whether it's a full system or some kind of subsystem.

Puppy is a full system. So is TinyCore, AND so was DamnSmallLinux. They still use it, primarily to keep size and overheads down. Even Porteus uses it, I believe.....and so does Slax. Many of the small, 'portable' OSs do, for obvious reasons.

I have no idea what M$ have done with WSL. Never looked at it; hell, I haven't run Windows for a decade. Never likely to!

Mike. ;)
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There is a busybox for Windows.

That is why I was asking if this was a subsystem.
TRY AGAIN but don't use Rufus, use Balena Etcher to make the bootable pen-drive

did you read my post #12 line 2]
Thank you for getting back.
Yes, I had read your notes and tried buring the USB using Balena Etcher on this laptop but it didn't run while trying to right click > run as administrator. Had provided this update on post 13.
We are aware that Rufus has not been playing well with Linux for a year or two now, that's why we recommend Balena, Rufus may work if you try again but use the DD command, also at installation stage you may have more luck if you select install in legacy mode
We are aware that Rufus has not been playing well with Linux for a year or two now, that's why we recommend Balena, Rufus may work if you try again but use the DD command, also at installation stage you may have more luck if you select install in legacy mode
I understand from your and others posts.
Since only Rufus 2.18 had been working on this laptop I tried burning antiX (as suggested by you) on a new 8 GB USB stick, and it worked.
However it took several attempts, there have been several setting changes I did on the windows which I cant even recollect now to update you.
Finally, good news is, this laptop is running on Linux OS. So glad.. Thank you.
Finally, good news is, this laptop is running on Linux OS.
Excellent. if your now a happy bunny please mark your first post as solved [go to original post, select edit ,and click the box to left of title, then click on solved]