What software does Linux need?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2020
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I'm preparing to don SCUBA gear and dive into the Qt documentation (Yikes! Will I survive?), but I thought that it might be a good idea to know what features I want to learn about first. To that end, I need a project to work on. So I thought that I would see what software people think Linux needs to be better. Also, if you have a favorite program that's in alpha/beta, feel free to mention it.


@LorenDB -- off the top of my head, a Botanical Interactive Identification Key written for GNU/Linux. The NRCS has one specifically for Windows, but nothing for us. Specialized, but needed worldwide, I'd say. See their site, for ideas.

The Grasses, alone, would be quite a project, probably taking years. By geographical region, perhaps.
I'm preparing to don SCUBA gear and dive into the Qt documentation (Yikes! Will I survive?), but I thought that it might be a good idea to know what features I want to learn about first. To that end, I need a project to work on. So I thought that I would see what software people think Linux needs to be better. Also, if you have a favorite program that's in alpha/beta, feel free to mention it.


Good luck to you!

I do have a request for you to consider: a Calendar app. Not the simple "appointment" type calendar that comes with Thunderbird and Evolution, or like Gnome Calendar. The feature that I miss from all of these is the ability to record birthdays, and for the calendar to tell me how old they are. Or to record wedding (or other) anniversaries, and the calendar can tell me how many years they were married.

If you want more challenge than that, you could add a moon calendar option. If you included moon predictions, with a little more work the calendar could then also be made to calculate the Easter holidays... something you rarely find built in to a calendar program.

For reference: I use WIne to run a very old Windows program called WinDates. This calculates Easter holidays, but doesn't have an option to show the moon cycles. It does count birthdays and anniversaries for me also. But I would dearly love a native Linux program to replace WinDates. I have to think that others would be glad to get these abilities also.

Thanks for your consideration! :)
I do have a request for you to consider: a Calendar app. Not the simple "appointment" type calendar that comes with Thunderbird and Evolution, or like Gnome Calendar. The feature that I miss from all of these is the ability to record birthdays, and for the calendar to tell me how old they are. Or to record wedding (or other) anniversaries, and the calendar can tell me how many years they were married.
Of course, I could just contribute to an existing app. (?)

One program I thought about is a timer/alarm application for Plasma. To my knowledge, there is no Qt/Plasma timer/alarm app, which is really odd, because that type of app is pretty handy to have around.

By the way, if any other developers see this thread, you're welcome to make an app as well! (Somewhat related website: makealinux.app This website's author thinks we have too many distros and not enough apps.)
@LorenDB -- off the top of my head, a Botanical Interactive Identification Key written for GNU/Linux. The NRCS has one specifically for Windows, but nothing for us. Specialized, but needed worldwide, I'd say. See their site, for ideas.

The Grasses, alone, would be quite a project, probably taking years. By geographical region, perhaps.
Just downloaded one of the files--it appears to be GPL-licensed and HTML-based, which could potentially be easy to decode.
Of course, I could just contribute to an existing app. (?)
Sure, the Qt/KDE Kontact is probably the direction you prefer to go. I think it is also just an "appointment" type of calendar. My preference is for a standalone program, however, and hopefully one that can also be run under Gtk-based desktops as well.

I'm aware of Rainlendar... it has a native Linux version and calculates age in birthdays and anniversaries. But I've never been too fond of its U/I, and I've not found a skin that I like. :(
Just an update: I've decided work on a time utility application (similar to the Clock app that ships with Android).