Where to find package?


Active Member
Nov 8, 2021
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Hello, wondering does someone know where to get killall package?

Trying use conky manager 2, already compiled it but missing package which wasn't on list and can't find it..:(


no such package to my knowledge but there is a built in shell command called "kill" which you can use the -a (--all) flag
That is weird, i can't launch this without that one :(
apt-file search kill
should point you in the right direction
No such command found, sudo and non sudo

edit: I have vanilla debian, i don't have even killall command while on arch i had :D
bit of a going off at a tangent , but i thought normal evolution was Debian -> Arch.
What made you switch ?
Nothing really, just so bored :D switching back probably, too much missing + outdated packages.

edit: yep i'm gonna switch back :D oh well record i used base debian 12h :D:eek:
The tedious thing about Arch is updating and if you don't you could run out of room if HD tight or other glitch; apart from that and recent grub issue (reporting of grub breaking OS) ,its been fine.
yeah it's been fine, no problems there, i just got so bored this morning so decided give debian spin, maybe i should enable virtualization to use vm:D
I have thought that one and Gentoo :D
Somepoint I have to try
was not included in the /sbin directory on install?

Try Salix --
was not included in the /sbin directory on install?

Try Salix --
Well It's kinda late now :/, but yeah there wasn't command found. Still reading debian docs if I'll find solution and fire up VM tomorrow
Looks like killall command belongs to debian testing packages
Yeh, was a little late to the show and maybe a little snarky, too.

When I was using nothing but true Debian-based distros going back to aptosid, I used Stable repos once and never again. Stable is a stick-in-the-mud control package set at the end of the testing cycle and it does not have what I want in software choices. Sid had what I wanted, even more than what the Testing repos held.
pacman is a dream i don't remember any quotes including the text " --fix-missing" so far ; i do however see "checking for incompatibilities" when pacman runs.

Slackware is also sane , never had one instance of dependency hell , but thats because it was mostly down to me , to make sure dependencies were met and installed in right order i'm referencing slackbuilds here. BUT it was ever so a little tedious to be honest .

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