Ubuntu (and official flavors) new LTS (22.04) is scheduled for release tomorrow!


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Jul 23, 2020
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It has been an interesting test cycle and, as far as I can tell, Lubuntu 22.04 is on track to drop tomorrow. You should soon be able to upgrade in the normal fashion. Not too much has changed, but you'll find some differences. In Lubuntu, for example, Firefox is now a Snap (easy enough to change) and there's no default email client.

I don't test Ubuntu, so I'm not sure what will have changed for them or the other official flavors.

Note the lack of "Development Branch" in the release:


As always, the release notes will explain more - but hardly anyone reads those. They really should, as they often answer questions before those questions have been raised by the user. Ah well...

Anyhow, those of us associated with the project will start working on 22.10 pretty much immediately - but it's good to see a LTS go through the development cycle and to know that it'll be available for at least three years.



This is the first LTS I've officially had a part in. I'm pretty excited.

I don't have much of a say in things like release schedules but I can say that Lubuntu looks good to go.

Man... It has been so many hours of testing... It won't be much of a break, if any, before we jump onto 22.10. The cycle never really ends.

But, Lubuntu 22.04 looks pretty solid to me. I'm looking forward to the release, as it'll be one that I upgrade to.
I can wait and I'm in no hurry I figure the new releases will be available when they're ready and not before.

I'd rather wait a few extra days if needed then have a rushed edition.

I've always liked getting the first release of new releases don't know why just always have.
This is all stuff one could glean from public data...

There was no new daily image today and no show-stopping bugs in the queue. I'd expect Lubuntu 22.04 to drop on time.
@KGIII -- congratulations on the fruition of your labors!

(I think it is funny the release date looks like it was changed from 04/20 to 04/21 -- LOL -- what I refer to just happened in NM)!
Lubuntu 22.04 LTS has been marked READY.

Lubuntu weren't the first flavor to be ready, but weren't last either. Most flavors are now marked READY.

(if unsure what I mean by READY, you can view details at the ISO QA tracker link I provided. QA testers like @KGIII will know it well though how the page is drawn can depend on your rights/privileges & details I've never worked out (something related to browser or maybe it's presented better if logged in?))
I can say from my testing of Kubuntu 22.04 it's ready also. Looks great.
This is my first LTS testing cycle. It's good to see it come to an end.

Lubuntu weren't the first flavor to be ready, but weren't last either.

From what I can see, Lubuntu has one of the smaller teams. If the tracker site is to be believed, we're also one of the most heavily tested flavors.
Okay this is off topic why doesn't the Lubuntu devs allow for the installer to automatically create a swap file.
Kubuntu and Mate 22.04 have been released still waiting on Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu proper.
Okay this is off topic why doesn't the Lubuntu devs allow for the installer to automatically create a swap file.

Lubuntu 21.04's use of `calamares` defaults to creating a swapfile... Same applies to later releases.

`calamares` didn't handle swap before our 21.04 release except via the user of "Manual Partitioning"


All of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has been released.

Some teams post early, but we're all supposed to wait so Ubuntu 22.04 LTS can post first. I've even posted to the fridge (that's usually delayed as it needs review etc)

FYI: Given it's 05:35 my local time & I want to get to bed, I can appreciate why some just 'bend' the rules... especially if they've got work etc to consider.
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Our testing is I suspect the envy of all the flavors, and you're a HUGE part of why.

Pretty much every day (not all days have new buils) and at least an hour (often longer)...

Once in a blue moon, I'll do a 'quick' test, but that's pretty rare. If the other flavors want to keep up, they just need to be appealing to people willing to put the hours in! :D

All of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS have been released.

I am guessing you meant 22.04, but congratulations are definitely in order! It's gonna be a busy day for some of you. For me, it's a day when I get to have a glass of wine with lunch. (Which I did, and now I'm on like my third glass of wine.)
Lubuntu 21.04's use of `calamares` defaults to creating a swap partition...

`calamares` didn't handle swap before our 21.04 release except via the user of "Manual Partitioning"
Cool I'm glad that option has been added.

I am guessing you meant 22.04, but congratulations are definitely in order! It's gonna be a busy day for some of you. For me, it's a day when I get to have a glass of wine with lunch. (Which I did, and now I'm on like my third glass of wine.)

Yeah I did mean 22.04... I should stick to codenames as I'd have been correct if I said jammy, even if many of the readers wouldn't understand what I meant.

I was also incorrect in my reading of the time; it was 04:35 and not 05:35; I read a bird feed clock in my tired state that hasn't been adjusted on the last daylight savings time.
Cool I'm glad that option has been added.

Alas another error is detected... Sorry.

In my tired state I said "swap partition" when I meant "swapfile", which was the change in `calamares` that got added with Lubuntu 21.04 (and thus applies to later releases).

`calamares` has always handled swap partitions, they were available via Manual Partitioning.
Alas another error is detected... Sorry.

In my tired state I said "swap partition" when I meant "swapfile", which was the change in `calamares` that got added with Lubuntu 21.04 (and thus applies to later releases).

`calamares` has always handled swap partitions, they were available via Manual Partitioning.
No apologies necessary as one thing us humans can count on is mistakes and at my age I excel in making mistakes. ;)
in my tired state

You should be able to take it easy for a day or two, in a day or two - when things settle a bit.

Also, I'm fond of saying, "I make more mistakes by breakfast than most people are going to make all day."

I have not actually done anything in the way of upgrading to the new version yet. Not on any of my devices... I'll get to it eventually!

Also, our admin is live:

I'm fond of saying, "I make more mistakes by breakfast than most people are going to make all day."

I have not actually done anything in the way of upgrading to the new version yet. Not on any of my devices... I'll get to it eventually!
I'll wait a bit and graze the Lubuntu forums before I install.
