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  • Yeaah, after little bit working, i finally managed to get unity + vs code working together. A week tried to get work but always saying "omnisharp requires complete mono blabla" all i had to do was manual set mono path. :rolleyes:

    That's one more software out of list i need windows for and that was last one. I'm so happy :p
    Someone might remember i posted couple months ago, about static noise. Well i finally fixed it fully, all i had to to was set mic boost off with alsamixer. Does someone know why mic boost adds static noise, it did it even mic off:D
    no idea. You fixed it ...that is all that matters.
    Move on
    Finally day has come, i ditched my windows license and been using Pop OS for a while. I can wait games i still can't run, they are close and in test currently (anticheat game) :D
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