angry at the whole computing industry


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Feb 3, 2019
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i am using knoppix because the only browsers i can get with xp are four years old, and they don't work. my amethyst m (pavilion) motherboard knows i have 4gb memory installed, but only accesses 2815mb of them. i am not using win 10. so now i am really angry that i've had to spend an hour of my life looking up how to increase system font size and menu options font size in knoppix, and not being able to find it. and yes, i really do have better things to do

i found it in the menu options 'preferences' -> 'kde system settings'
but the changes aren't applying. i will try to install on hdd and reboot
Hey there - welcome to the site.

Glad to hear you found the settings. If you're running off a cd/dvd or usb drive, any changes might not be persistent. Let us know how the install to hdd goes!

Edit: Also, thanks for posting the location of the settings which i'm sure will help future users on here!
knoppix install.png
notice the ext4 and swap partitions. the usb thing isn't doing it for me. for one thing, i changed the font, but it isn't taking. then, i can't take a screenshot of my menu. but believe me, it's not readable. the only thing i need to know now is will i be able to install on this partition without wasting my whole drive
can anyone suggest a walk through ( not of how to dual boot from a usb, please )
i need a walk through on how to install knoppix on this partition, and how to configure my boot files
There are many other distros which you can install instead.
i can build a rocket ship that goes to the moon, but you know what ? i'm not doing it. of course there are other distos that i can install. suggest one, and i'll tell you why i'm not going to install it
To keep your stuff on XP you might be better to Dual Boot for a while.
yes. this is the heart of the thread. how do i find the best link to multi boot knoppix 8.1 and xp
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Ah, glad you came by on this thread - I haven't ever used knoppix, so wasn't aware it's more of a livecd style.
it's not a livecd style because you will need to configure settings, which do not work on the live version

but yes, you can boot to it. but then, this whole operating system is virtual, and as i pointed out, my motherboard only reads 2815 mb of ram
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The various distros exist because people have different tastes - then there are some focused on tasks you may be doing like security, etc.. normally, when first starting in Linux, we'd suggest starting out with a desktop oriented distribution that is more mainstream like Ubuntu or Fedora. These are easy to use out of the box and, while they do offer a live cd to test out (or to use with persistence), most people install it to their hard drive and also come with a wealth of applications which you can install from the main installer if you choose. You'll also find a lot more support since there are way more users.

Which leads me to the question of 'why did you land on knoppix as your first distro?'

Why not Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint...? do i find the best link to multi boot knoppix 8.1 and xp

Not news you will want to hear, but ... you won't.

(Wizard appears in a puff of smoke, bearing mixed tidings)

G'day @hmazuji and welcome to :)

On April 8 coming, it will be 5 years since Windows dropped support for XP, so it is possibly a blessing that your old browsers do not work because of the security risk.

Knoppix 8.1 was released in September 2017, so the odds of anyone writing a guide as to how to install Knoppix to dual-boot with XP are minute.

Wikipedia have this on Knoppix - ... and although you may not read it through, it has some information that I relevantly quote

Knoppix is a 32-bit Debian Linux based distro, but recent releases (including the latest version 7.6) have also been equipped with a 64-bit kernel on the DVD edition, where it will automatically boot up for 64-bit computers, or by using the boot option knoppix64 manually in the command-line prompt, while knoppix will boot up the 32-bit kernel. Neither PAE nor 64-bit applications are supported by Knoppix, and system memory with more than 4 GB can only be used with a 64-bit kernel.

With the combination your computer and Knoppix kernel, that is non-PAE, you could have 16GB of RAM and it would still only recognise 3GB. It is a limitation from a time when no-one had more than 4GB of RAM.

If you seriously wish to install Knoppix to your HDD, you could try this article

... but I do not know about the dualboot capabilities.

On a CD or DVD, you cannot get what we call Persistence, that is, changes to stick (beyond the length of the current session). Once a CD or DVD is burned, the session is closed.

Knoppix is based on Debian, but I am not aware of a Persistence option being available for it, even on a USB stick.

One Distro that would likely suit your circumstances is


... not MX-17 nor MX-18. Just MX-16.

It runs brilliantly with modest or aging equipment, supports 32-bit systems, also non-PAE is supported, AND, with the USB install, there is an option to implement Persistence built-in.

MX is based, as is Knoppix, on Debian. MX-16 is based on Debian "Jessie". It will continue to receive support until at least April 2020.

You can read some old Q&A here

and you can download through here

The .iso you will want is near the top, under README. That is MX-16_386.iso .

Good luck

Chris Turner
i'm posting an update even before i go through everyone's suggestions:
i've been through a lot of changes this past 24 hours. here's what i found out:
i have successfully installed knoppix to my hdd using menu option 'knoppix' -> 'knoppix hd install', and it is bootable. yes !!!!!!!
this is what doesn't work:
i can not get menu font sizes to change. it looks like menu option 'preferences' -> 'kde system settings' are not setting the font sizes. i could not get this to work on the live usb either.
if i try to force dpi to manipulate font size, it breaks my mouse, and makes the o.s. unusable. i have to turn it off by way of keyboard, and reboot.
my boot options to shutdown the system have disappeared. i am having to su to root to command shut it down.
i am having to bios boot to the grand unified boot loader to boot knoppix because dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb2/knoppix.bin bs-512 count=1 will not boot knoppix when i add the line c:\knoppix.bin="knoppix 8.1" to my boot.ini file
appologize for any typos, i don't have time to load screenshots right now, and i'm going by memory. and it's monday, and i already have cut into my travel time. i will get back to this thread when i come back home later this week. thanks everyone for posting. i'm looking forward to reading what you guys have (had) to say, and also, adding to what i just posted by way of some screen shots
Thanks for sharing, @hmazuji :) and safe journeys with your trip.

It may be in the category of typos, but with your dd command, that should be



i am using knoppix because the only browsers i can get with xp are four years old, and they don't work. my amethyst m (pavilion) motherboard knows i have 4gb memory installed, but only accesses 2815mb of them. i am not using win 10. so now i am really angry that i've had to spend an hour of my life looking up how to increase system font size and menu options font size in knoppix, and not being able to find it. and yes, i really do have better things to do

My browsers all work in XP Pro for the most part. The CA nazis have managed to render Chrome/Chromium-based browsers less than functional, via their 101 security errors, but the Firefox-based browsers circumvent 90% of their blather, and a Linux LiveCD powers through the remaining 10%. So now I can go wherever I want, to any site I want, and the certificate authorities can't do squat to stop me. SRWare Iron and Slimjet used to be my go-to browsers, but as the CA nazis become increasingly rabid, I am turning to Mypal, Serpent and Centaury browsers more and more.

Obviously Win10 should be avoided at any cost, as it is the current culmination of Palladium, NGSCB, Longhorn, Trusted Computing, and probably some new forms of corporate spyware/malware I have not kept up with. With Win10....Big Bro, Lil Bro, corporate spooks, plus Silly Billy and his M$ minions are your co-pilot! Not to mention the scriptkiddies have already begun to ravish it.

For a windows user, you likely could not have picked a worse distro...well, maybe Arch? Your best bet is an intuitive and easy to use distro. Knoppix ain't it! Try MX Linux or RoboLinux. Of the twenty plus distros I tried out, these are the only ones that did not grind on my nerves in one way or another.
G'day @Sigma333

I like your rant :) - we all have them from time to time, myself included.

But do be aware that the OP (original poster) posted this over 9 months ago, and has not been active since the day after he posted.

Still, if he is with us still, he may have some feedback, eh? Hope so.

Of the twenty plus distros I tried out, these are the only ones that did not grind on my nerves in one way or another.

I use MX Linux, Robolinux and Knoppix,

But my nerves must be less susceptible to grind, because I run 60 to 100 Linux at a time :D

Enjoy your Linux.

Chris Turner
G'day @Sigma333

I like your rant :) - we all have them from time to time, myself included.

But do be aware that the OP (original poster) posted this over 9 months ago, and has not been active since the day after he posted.

Still, if he is with us still, he may have some feedback, eh? Hope so.

I use MX Linux, Robolinux and Knoppix,

But my nerves must be less susceptible to grind, because I run 60 to 100 Linux at a time :D

Enjoy your Linux.

Chris Turner

Don't matter none. If OP is long gone, it might help someone that comes after. I consider this stuff as a 'message in a bottle'. Never know where my words will end up, or with whom. My experience was that Arch, Knoppix, and Puppy was the worst. Puppy cause I could never get it to connect to the internet. Arch because of its OCD-like fixation on CLI. Don't recall what I couldn't stand about Knoppix, only that it was a short and irritating test drive. If you know what you're doing, or got an overabundance of patience, I expect any distro will work. For a windows user, with dyslexia and ADD, very dang few distros are worthwhile. I do regret not being able to tame Puppy Linux. I'm sure I would of liked a distro designed to run from RAM. Oh well, I got Kodachi and TAILS.
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Don't matter none. If OP is long gone, it might help someone that comes after. I consider this stuff as a 'message in a bottle'. Never know where my words will end up, or with whom. My experience was that Arch, Knoppix, and Puppy was the worst. Puppy cause I could never get it to connect to the internet. Arch because of its OCD-like fixation on CLI. Don't recall what I couldn't stand about Knoppix, only that it was a short and irritating test drive. If you know what you're doing, or got an overabundance of patience, I expect any distro will work. For a windows user, with dyslexia and ADD, very dang few distros are worthwhile. I do regrett not being able to tame Puppy Linux. I'm sure I would of liked a distro designed to run from RAM. Oh well, I got Kodachi and TAILS.
you mean the Police and sting ?
I'm sure I would of liked a distro designed to run from RAM.
I'm quite fond of Slax to run in RAM. It's small enough for a CD, but you can use persistence if you use a USB instead. It is a VERY BASIC Linux at that small size, but it is Debian based and you can install more software in it with persistence. It is not something you want to build into a big distro though... it's meant to be simple and fast.

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