Unable to open the Linux Mint 21.3 "Virginia"

Apr 10, 2024
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I'm not very good with computers & I'm trying to get started with Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia for Australia & after I have downloaded Linux Mint none of the programs on my computer will open it. I have an Windows 11 ASUS 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor. Do i need to download a specific program to be able to open up the Linux Mint file to install? Thank you.

none of the programs on my computer will open it.

That's because it doesn't work that way.

You write the image to a drive and boot to the media that you wrote said image to. You write the .iso to a USB or to DVD (it's too large to fit on a CD). You then reboot your computer and pick that device through the one-time-boot menu. You then use it in the live environment until you choose to install it.

It's not a Windows application. It's an entire operating system that replaces Windows.
As KG said...download the Mint ISO and burn it to a Flash Drive with Etcher...then boot to the Flash Drive from the boot menu.

You don't need to install it yet...have a look around first and get used to it.
G'day Clancy, Welcome to Linux.org

To get you started: The download of Linux...(is it Linux Mint 21.3 (Cinnamon) ?

That download has to be "attached" to a usb stick in a special way.

Using Balena etcher is the safest, most straightforward way. In a nutshell, it makes the USB stick bootable ....so that you will be able to boor your pc to that usb stick which now has Linux on it.

before you go any further, it would be a wise idea to enter the bios and turn Off fastboot and secure boot.

The bios is accessed usually by tapping the esc key as soon as you start the pc

Let me know if you have followed me so far.

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