Fresh Installation of LMDE Problems {Solved}

Yes, I have it on a separate SSD

Just like using Linux mint 21.2.....with a few minor differences...still quite reliable.

The only snag I have encountered is it does not like to play nice with dual monitors (yet)
Have you had any issue's with dbus errors?

Tried twice to use the usb writer and the dbus error appeared. Tho the usb writer said it successfully wrote Debian Live to the usb I couldn't mnt it to see what was on the drive.

Glad my friends Linux box boots now!

i have had no errors at all...apart from the dual monitor simply refuses to cooperate

The dbus errors appears to be a debian thing from what I read around the net. Having said that I have not researched it at all thoroughly.

The release notes for both LMDE 6 and Debian 12 (bookworm) are well worth a read...particularly for lmde 6

BTW, Debian doesn't recognize:
sudo fdisk -l | grep "Linux filesystem$"

With this Live Debian 12 usb only
sudo fdisk -l
is recognized.

This command is not found on Debian.
sudo grub-install --force --boot-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda1

*With Debian Live you have to use:
sudo apt install --reinstall grub

***Just make sure you make a directory first before running the above command with the green star.

sudo mkdir /boot/grub

After you download the boot information script untar it and run it. The .txt file with the information about the pc you need will be in the same directory that you downloaded the script to.

i have had no errors at all...apart from the dual monitor simply refuses to cooperate

The dbus errors appears to be a debian thing from what I read around the net. Having said that I have not researched it at all thoroughly.

The release notes for both LMDE 6 and Debian 12 (bookworm) are well worth a read...particularly for lmde 6

Thanks brother!

I'll have a read over those notes after a break.
i have had no errors at all...apart from the dual monitor simply refuses to cooperate
I wonder if there are run time lib's missing that assist with monitor rendering?
What GPU do you have?

There are no problems with LM21.2

There are no problems with LM21.2
Have a look in the config file for LM 21.2 that renders both of your monitors. Make a cp of it and compare it to the config on LMDE6.

Maybe check all the modules under 'lsmod' on both system's.
Is anything missing?

-::-Just a few ideas-::-
I tried following the tutorial here that Bob linked.
I ran the above and got this...from the live session.

I thought why doesn't the person who wrote the article get the same...two Linux filesystems because I'm booting from the live session that's why I have two. Anyway it didn't work and none of the other Repair Grub bootloader articles did either even using the correct my case is sda2.

I thought it would be easy to repair Grub with the live session...just follow the wrong was I.
I ran the above and got this...from the live session.

I thought why doesn't the person who wrote the article get the same...two Linux filesystems because I'm booting from the live session that's why I have two. Anyway it didn't work and none of the other Repair Grub bootloader articles did either even using the correct my case is sda2.

I thought it would be easy to repair Grub with the live session...just follow the wrong was I.
The good news bob466:
is that link took me to a place where I was able to learn new things.

I had to adjust the commands for it to work.
Debian doesn't recognize the command in the terminal screenshot you posted.
So I just ran sudo fdisk -l and that worked.

This command didn't work either:
sudo grub-install --force --boot-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda1

However; this command did work:
sudo apt install --reinstall grub

I'm pretty sure that the commands in that link are more for a Live Ubuntu session because Debian's cmd's are written out a little differently.

There's another way to rescue grub:-

I'll be writing a tutorial soon as I don't want a repeat.