Solved Can someone help me please

Solved issue


New Member
Jan 5, 2024
Reaction score

I cannot connect to any Wi-Fi and it won't show me Any available connections can someone please help me

"NO CARRIER" in the output means that there is no connection to any network for that device. In the case of ethernet it usually means there's no cable connection, so it's best to check the hardware connections and see that everything is plugged in at both ends. In the case of the wifi, it means that no connection is being made to a router or access point which could be for a number of reasons, such as the router is not receiving signals, or it could be a firmware issue.
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Turn the Wifi on in the Network settings and then pick and SSID.
Try running this to see all networks:
nmcli -t -f active,ssid dev wifi

If I recall correctly wifi is disabled in Kail.
I have tried nmcli networking on, have tried systemclt restart NetworkManager, have checked rfkill list, nothing is disabled or hard blocked.
More information at this point would help rose101.

Since it's wifi you wish to connect, it would be helpful to know what the device is, whether the driver is installed and whether the firmware for it is installed.

To get some basic info, run:
lspci -nnkd ::2xx

If the wifi device doesn't appear it may be on the usb bus so run:
lsusb | grep -i net

To see what firmware you have installed run:
dpkg -l | grep -i firmware

In the case of wifi software that is not yet installed, the ethernet connection could be used to get online if the hardware and a router are all in order and configured.

If you post the outputs here, the readers will be in a better position to help.
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I have tried nmcli networking on, have tried systemclt restart NetworkManager, have checked rfkill list, nothing is disabled or hard blocked.

Did you turn the WiFi on in the network settings and select your SSID?

Our member: Osprey did say, it could be a firmware issue too.

Run this cmd to find out what nic you have.
lspci | grep -i network

What mobo?
-:Run this as root:-

dmidecode -t 2
Yes, it's a typo. Sorry.

I hadn't even noticed the typo. You type so many words that a typo is bound to make it through once in a while. Typos are going to happen, even to the best of us.
I am trying to ween away from answering Kali newbie questions, so observation/comment
"If the OP is using a VB/VM they will get a 0 on Ethernet and Wi-Fi as their connection will be via a bridge to host"