Search results

  1. P

    Needing to add third party repositories - looking for suggestions on the safest way to do so (Debian 12).

    Just reinstalled Debian 12 (Bookworm) to clean up issues with my repos directory causing issues with updates. While I think I now have my /etc/apt/sources.list file correctly configured, I need to install Powershell, Terraform, and Visual Studio Code (this one is to work on Python 3 projects)...
  2. P

    USB port not recognizing USB flash drives in Dolphin

    Using Debian 12 on laptop - while troubleshooting an issue with mariadb not installing, I found that my sole USB port isn't recognizing USB drives installed into it. STEPS TAKEN: 1. ran the "dmesg -w" command to see new messages once I installed a drive, to test recognition in Dophin. Said test...
  3. P

    Attempts to install MariaDB-Server and Client are failing in Debian 12

    Attempting to install mariadb-server - but continually experiencing issues: **************************************************************************************** XXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXX:~$ sudo apt install mariadb-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state...
  4. P

    Trying to install GNS3 to Rocky 9 system - have you been able to successfully do so?

    Unfortunately, the documentation seems to indicate that the application is just for Ubuntu and Arch installations. Nothing seems to be available on the Github page either. Attempts to install with the documentation on the Fedora Magazine page (the article from 2019 was the only one I could find...
  5. P

    Issue with Remmina: after an RDP session is concluded, physical logins to the server shows only a black screen and mouse.

    (I posted this question in the Remmina Reddit page - but since my account is in "Pending" state for the past few days, I figured on mentioning this issue here.) I am using a Debian 12 laptop, remotely connecting via Tailscale to the Rocky 9 desktop system. While I am able to remotely access...
  6. P

    Setting up Remmina to connect from Debian 12 laptop to Rocky 9 desktop - audio isn't working.

    Finally able to get the connection working with the Remmina client on my Debian 12 laptop, to my Rocky 9 XRDP server - both are physical devices. Currently experiencing an issue in which the audio from the server isn't registering on the Lenovo Ideapad laptop, though. No error message shows -...
  7. P

    Looking for an application that will allow me to use my desk/laptop as a remote viewer from my Android phone.

    Bit of context (as I've had the optics of the request explained to me): I'm suspecting my tenant-roommate of accessing my room while I am working (or otherwise out of my house). Unfortunately, while I'm fairly certain of my suspicions - I've no proof of it. With that said, does anyone know of...
  8. P

    Sudo/root permissions not being accepted for access to /usr/local/share/tor-browser

    Currently attempting to install Tor to my Rocky Linux 9 system with the directions listed here, and here. I was able to download the program, check the signature, and sig file, and extract the files from tar. However, to fully install the application (and have it recognized as a full-fledged...
  9. P

    Using Debian Bookworm, and tried adding Kali Repositories - much chaos and work (with a little bit of confusion and hilarity) ensued...

    Currently using Debian 12 on my laptop, and thought to learn about some of the Pentesting tools in Kali Linux (listed here). As some of the tools weren't in the Debian repos, I got the bright idea to add the Kali repositories to my /etc/apt/sources.list. My logic was that as Kali is a Debian...
  10. P

    makewhatis command isn't found on both Debian and Rocky Linux installs - reinstall of make-db didn't work.

    Currently using Debian 12 on my laptop, and Rocky version 9 on my desktop system. While studying/researching, I found that the makewhatis command isn't found on either system. STEPS TAKEN (all of which were performed under sudo): 1. I removed the man-db package from both (used nala on the...
  11. P

    Which router would you recommend to accommodate Linux?

    I purchased a Netgear Nighthawk R7350 (AC2400) router a year ago, as it stated on the box that it supported Linux. I figured to try it out once I felt comfortable enough to take the plunge - which I started a few months ago. Unfortunately, even though it is stated to support Linux on the box...
  12. P

    Questions about rootkits with chkrootkit and rkhunter

    I'm working with Debian version 12, and trying out both applications above - but they don't seem to be very helpful in narrowing down where they are seeing their particular alerts. Because both are giving different locations for alerts, I am thinking that they are pulling up false positives...
  13. P

    Unable to awaken Debian 12 Linux under sleep/suspend.

    Experiencing inability to recover Debian Linux 12 from sleep/suspend, forcing me to reboot in order to continue working. 1. Attempted to retest by placing the system in systemctl suspend, or systemctl sleep: issue seems to occur intermittently. 2. Checked dmesg for more information: $ sudo...
  14. P

    Nighthawk AC2400 not providing .ovpn file for Debian laptop to connect with OpenVPN

    Currently running into issues with setting up OpenVPN on my Nighthawk AC2400 (R7350), to allow my Debian 12 laptop to connect to my home network. The files provided by the router for VPN connectivity are for "Windows," "non-Windows," "Macs," and "Android" systems. However, the files in the...
  15. P

    Multiple issues experienced with Debian Bookworm ( on a Lenovo IdeaPad I7 - any assistance would be appreciated!

    Hello all! I figured on trying to getting outside of my comfort zone after working with Ubuntu, LMDE, Tails, Kali (on the laptop) - from the RHEL side, Red Hat and Alma (as KVM guests), with Rocky 9 as the host desktop device. I'm currently dealing with issues from jump after downloading the...
  16. P

    Unable to register to the site - can anyone assist (or provide the admin address so that I can notify them of what I am experiencing)?

    I am trying to get out of my Ubuntu/Rocky/PopOS comfort zones, and learn some pentesting skills - so I figured on working with Kali. To that end, I figured on lurking on the Kali forums to gain some additional insights (while studying on the tools that is included with the image). However, I...