Nighthawk AC2400 not providing .ovpn file for Debian laptop to connect with OpenVPN

Nov 7, 2023
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Currently running into issues with setting up OpenVPN on my Nighthawk AC2400 (R7350), to allow my Debian 12 laptop to connect to my home network.
The files provided by the router for VPN connectivity are for "Windows," "non-Windows," "Macs," and "Android" systems. However, the files in the "Non-Windows" zip file are as follows:

1. ca.crt,
2. client.conf,
3. client.crt, and
4. client.key.

I was under the impression that the file needed for the connection to be established was to have a .ovpn extension - however, those were the only files provided.
When I checked the zip file for Windows clients, that file, however, did have a .ovpn file included.

I confirmed that the firmware version is up-to-date: Router firmware version is V1.2.0.92_1.0.1

I've checked out various sites online
2. Various YouTube videos (
, and
, and ) - which also are geared towards Windows users,
3. the Netgear Community forum (which only had information on how to set up the connection for Windows clients),

I was able to set up a DDNS hostname, and successfully connect it to my router. Checking the "DNS Checker" DNS Propagation site also confirmed the record is correct for the hostname. Tracerouting from my Debian laptop via cellphone's hotspot does show that the connection at least reaches to my service provider - so, that part is getting there.

I've also set up port triggering on my router to allow for port 22, and port 3389 traffic.

I've also confirmed that ufw is allowing for inbound on ports 5800, 5900, 3389, and 22 - for both IPv4 and IPv6.

My main issue is the fact that the router doesn't generate the needed file for the connection. Has anyone experienced this issue - and, how did they cause the Netgear device to generate a .ovpn file to connect to their internal network's resources? This router was advertised to support Linux devices, and VPN connectivity - which was the only reason why I purchased it.

Router firmware version is up to date: V1.2.0.92_1.0.1
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