
  1. N

    How to limit root access?

    Hi. In an IT company that contains sysadmins, developers & database admins, how can we limit the sysadmin (root) access on a Linux server. For example: DBAs has special privileges to data bases. But the sysadmin (root) have the access to those files too even without their passwords, that we...
  2. BIgD63

    Security software advice

    I am needing to find a cost effective security endpoint software. Currently we are using BitDefender, but it gets expensive, and some servers we cant run it on. Here is what we need to be able to run it on: Ubuntu 16-20 (working on getting the 16's updated) Debian Amazon Linux 2 CentOS
  3. Confused_nerd

    It shows GPT corrupted, should I be concerned?

    First of all, I use linux mint 20.1 ulyssa, but i decided to try out tails os. So i followed instructions here. But when I was live booting from USB stick, I began reading the text it shows, and the first line it said CAUTION: GPT corrupted, using it anyway. Recommend using encrypted drives. or...
  4. Confused_nerd

    Concerned about BitWarden and password managers..

    HI, I'm using linux mint 20.1, and wanted if using an external password manager like bitWarden is safe? Like, I can just store all my passwords offline, but if I do use BitWarden(or any other password managing tool), will they not also have access to my data? What tools do you guys use for...
  5. B

    I need help for installation

    Hi, i am newbies on linux and i try to install multiple secure linux operating systems on a usb stick and no one work same debian jesssie. i use a thinkpad laptop and when i try to boot them it make weird bugs or boot in text mode.
  6. S

    How to find out which script causes the CPU load

    Today I got into trouble and I catch this virus I removed files like in tutorial, scanned with scanners, make firewall, blocked user (from screen) etc and my cpu loads decreased from 100% to 50-80% and thats is still problem...
  7. digitard

    We have problems How someone could choose the most vulnerable operating system for...
  8. LorenDB

    Software review: Howdy

    I found Howdy a few weeks ago while browsing GitHub (that's what programmers do instead of Twitter). It is supposed to be a Linux alternative to Windows Hello. I installed it on my laptop yesterday in order to try it out. My impressions so far: Easy to use if you are familiar with the terminal...
  9. CoolerVoid

    Create your hidden firewall kernel module

    HiddenWall is a Linux kernel module generator for custom rules with netfilter. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc). The motivation: on bad situation, attacker can put your iptables/ufw to fall... but if you have HiddenWall, the attacker will not find the hidden kernel module that...
  10. CoolerVoid

    CodeCat - Tool to help in static code analysis

    Hi all, i am here to share my new open source tool... CodeCat is a open source tool to help you in static code analysis, to find/track sinks and bugs, this points follow regex rules... Current rules for C,C++,GO,Python,javascript,Swift,PHP,Ruby,ASP and Java.(you can create your rules) How...
  11. CoolerVoid

    Hidden Firewall in Kernel Module

    HiddenWall is a Linux kernel module generator for custom rules with netfilter. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc). The motivation: on bad situation, attacker can put your iptables/ufw to fall... but if you have HiddenWall, the attacker will not find the hidden kernel module that...
  12. G

    Is it right to use chmod 777 when this is the only option?

    Firstly good morning. I am a recent user of ubuntu, it must have been about two months that I use it, anyway, I started a WordPress course and in it we used xampp to not need to buy a direct host, however the problem is that WP cannot create new files, either when I download a new theme or...
  13. A

    Major security and usability flaw in Linux (root privileges and sudoers, folder access restriction, Ubuntu Linux)

    Alright, let me give you the context. I am a business owner with strong technical background, say a programmer, though not an advanced system administrator. I've bought a VPS server where I want to host several applications and webpages. One of the apps consists of backend, admin frontend and...
  14. U

    second encrypted and mounted operating system

    Good day all I am currently working on a project where the goal is to have a second operating system (Kali Linux) encrypted and mountable/unmountable on a Ubuntu system. All work must be kept on the encrypted partition and nothing can be installed or held on the Ubuntu operating system. There...
  15. G

    Disable Selinux Temporarily

    I want to dislabe SeLinux but this will be temporary where after reboot it should be enabled.
  16. Feriman22

    Portscan Protection

    Hi, based on this solution I wrote a shell script, which is blocking port scanning, so nobody can find (or much more slowly) your "hidden" SSH or FTP port The protection based on built-in firewall. The script stored on GitHub: Portcan Protection I hope you find it useful! Best Regards, Feriman
  17. P

    Protect authorized_keys and known_hosts?

    /home/me/.ssh/known_hosts /home/me/.ssh/authorized_keys I would like to put these files to an €ncrypt€d folder that is being decrypted manually after Linux Raspbian 10 start. Why? i do not want anyone to discover that files contents (consider someone steal the drive - my Raspbian installed from...
  18. lg4l

    Compromised would be appreciated.

    I'm a recent Linux convert and it's been a blast these past sev mos. breaking Mint, re-installing, learning....rinse, repeat. But this a bit more serious. Linux Mint 19.3...I'm contantly tinkering on this machine. I had every intention of learning how to PROPERLY utilize "secure boot" today and...
  19. D

    Does Linux Lite collect any personal information by default?

    I have installed the latest version of Linux Lite on my lenovo G50 laptop. Recently, I have been concerned about the way various linux distros are collecting a substantial amount of personal information from linux users around the world. And in a lot of linux distros, there isn’t a...
  20. M

    Help with materials for blocking some USB communication

    Hello, I am currently working on bachelor thesis named "Access Controll for USB Bus". As title says, I need to make software, which will block some USB devices, depending on user input (specific type of USB, for example all mouses or all devices from specific vendor). Unfortunately, my...