Discontent with Linux.


New Member
Jul 1, 2021
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Sharing my story here. For years, I have been a Windows user (who didn't?), but since I got into college, new horizons were open to me, and I simply fell in love with Linux. Everything on it is utterly beautiful, challenging, and makes you feel like you are in control of your computer, not the opposite.

However, everytime I got Linux as my OS it just gave me headaches. Not because I don't know how to use, not because I don't know any command line (because I know these things), but because of something that rarely happened, just under VERY threatning situations: Freezes and Blackscreens.

The computer would just suddenly freeze itself, or go into a blackscreen with that "_" (underline) blinking at top left corner, but impossible to use any commands. And the worst part, that happened frequently with a Fresh New OS. In a few hours, I just pressed Hard Reset button more than 40 times.

It's an unfortunate, but I had to go back to Windows (sad), but there I couldn't risk damaging my machine even more.

The OS was the newest Ubuntu 20.04

Is this actually a question?
Just a rant, it seems, because the decision has been made to go back to Windows.

@High-User, you are not the first to revert back to Windows when you run into trouble. I've done it many times before, and I'd guess that others have too. No worries.... come back when you feel like trying again.

Not all Linux plays well with all hardware, and maybe that is a lesson just learned. You need to try 3 or 4 different ones, maybe 4 or 5... or more. If no Linux seems to work, well, I have a 1-yr old laptop like that too... sometimes it's not Linux, it's funky hardware. My laptop will run only 2 or 3 different Linux that I've found so far... it's the worst for compatibility that I've ever seen.

We can't solve rants... or Windows (you're stuck with it). ;)

If you want to ask a question here, always include details like make/model computer, how much RAM, which Linux you're using (or trying to use), etc.
Freezes and blackscreens can be caused by a variety of issues......all of them fixable.

Yes there are a few "it depends" thrown in there .....but for the most part the 'fix' is usually found fairly easily.

Put your details up when you are ready once again, to experience the Magic of Linux.
It's an unfortunate, but I had to go back to Windows (sad), but there I couldn't risk damaging my machine even more.

What I find hard to understand is why go to all the trouble to join this Forum to tell everyone you're going back to windoze. :rolleyes:
The computer would just suddenly freeze itself, or go into a blackscreen with that "_"
so you have never encountered the Blue screen of death in windows then..
I doubt whether there are many people on here who, at sometime have not had a problem with their installation, and most will not be the distro itself but hardware,
When I first started using GNU/Linux there was less hardware compatibility then there was now, that was about 11 years ago. It took me 1-2 years to understand GNU/Linux and get up to the point where I was mostly able to solve most of my own problems. Hearing your story it sounds more like you have been running GNU/Linux as your main OS for less than 6 months, so I find it hard to believe it when you say you know and understand how GNU/Linux works. I'm missing part in your story, aside from sharing the trouble you ran into, you never mentioned what you have done troubleshoot or fix it. If you understand GNU/Linux you would be able to troubleshoot and fix most of your own problems. As @sam444 already said what's the point of creating an account just for sharing a rant, instead of creating account for creating a topic requesting help to figure out the problem(s) you are running into. Keep in mind if you do decide to create a help topic that no one guess your whole situation. So the help will only be as good as the effort you put into it and the information you give, that is why solving my own problems is easier than solving another person's problems. Good luck and enjoy whatever works for you!
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@High-User ....this would be a good time to offer comment. All the comments here are coming from people who will help you.

From your other topic, it would appear you are still using some form of Linux. You received good help there. Perhaps you changed your mind about returning to windows, wiped the linux/ubuntu install and reinstalled....and it now works for you??
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@High User There are many flavours of Linux out there - I would suggest live booting a few until you find one that works on your hardware - if you install dual-boot till you can just use Linux for all your needs.
I know the feeling, it can be frustrating to deal with crashes and instability. The more I use Linux, the more I learn about it. With that said, Linux is a different OS from Windows and that takes time getting used to. If you’re getting some instability on your OS, maybe it’s related to some apps or perhaps a configuration is causing you some issues. Either way, we are happy to help you troubleshoot.

I recently dual booted my PC with Fedora and Windows 10. I use Windows for gaming but Fedora for everything else and I love it. Although for gaming, Linux has come a long way!
Freezes and blackscreens can be caused by a variety of issues......all of them fixable.

Yes there are a few "it depends" thrown in there .....but for the most part the 'fix' is usually found fairly easily.

Put your details up when you are ready once again, to experience the Magic of Linux.

The problem was the amount of Hard Resets I had to do. It would eventually burst the hardware out.

What I find hard to understand is why go to all the trouble to join this Forum to tell everyone you're going back to windoze. :rolleyes:

Loved the system;
System didn't love me back;
Crying at social media.

I haven't done that even for my EXs. Linux hurt me badly.

so you have never encountered the Blue screen of death in windows then..
I doubt whether there are many people on here who, at sometime have not had a problem with their installation, and most will not be the distro itself but hardware,

I guess I never did.

I know the feeling, it can be frustrating to deal with crashes and instability. The more I use Linux, the more I learn about it. With that said, Linux is a different OS from Windows and that takes time getting used to. If you’re getting some instability on your OS, maybe it’s related to some apps or perhaps a configuration is causing you some issues. Either way, we are happy to help you troubleshoot.

I recently dual booted my PC with Fedora and Windows 10. I use Windows for gaming but Fedora for everything else and I love it. Although for gaming, Linux has come a long way!

I'd appreciate everything you'd help me with, but I have too much free time, something I guess none of you do, and I would hurt myself even more asking every single sec for help just to get a "I'm busy rn" as answer.

Also, I followed every single step from Linuxconfig.org tutorial. Sometimes I would get error in some commands, and repeat it again, something I got worried and made another topic (Called "Quick Question").
The computer would just suddenly freeze itself, or go into a blackscreen with that "_" (underline) blinking at top left corner, but impossible to use any commands. And the worst part, that happened frequently with a Fresh New OS. In a few hours, I just pressed Hard Reset button more than 40 times.
That sounds more like a video driver problem from your short description without knowing anything about your system. Anyways enjoy whatever OS works for you and maybe till sometime in the future! ;)
Welcome @High-User
It looks to me like you are 19 years old - if your Logo is correct.
You said you that "Linux hurt me badly." Could you clarify that a little bit for this 86 year old geezer. Just exactly how were you hurt by Linux? It's kind of hard for this old man to understand how some inanimate gadget like a computer can hurt someone.

Is it your 'feelings' that got hurt, or something else.

Thanks for helping this old man to understand the younger generation a little better.

Respectfully Yours,
Old Geezer,
Tango Charlie
Welcome @High-User
It looks to me like you are 19 years old - if your Logo is correct.
You said you that "Linux hurt me badly." Could you clarify that a little bit for this 86 year old geezer. Just exactly how were you hurt by Linux? It's kind of hard for this old man to understand how some inanimate gadget like a computer can hurt someone.

Is it your 'feelings' that got hurt, or something else.

Thanks for helping this old man to understand the younger generation a little better.

Respectfully Yours,
Old Geezer,
Tango Charlie

Hardware when it drops on your toe hurts pretty much as if your girlfriend or wife had stepped on it.

Software hurts as if your girlfriend broke up with you suddenly, because you don't know what happened. Was it my fault, was it hers, did I do something wrong, wasn't it meant to happen, etc.

Linux for the first time I ever used was a pretty young girl OS, but unfortunately it didn't seem like it wanted something with me. It was an obstacle that I opted to run around it instead of surpassing it jumping over.

I don't know if it happens to you, but every freeze and black screen just got me wondering and questioning my whole life. What, why, when, who.
"I don't know if it happens to you, but every freeze and black screen just got me wondering and questioning my whole life. What, why, when, who."

Can't say that ever happened to me when I was younger. However, when I was your age we did not have computers yet. We were lucky to have a small 13" color TV set. The Korean war was over and I had just graduated from high school {1953}. I went to work learning the shoe repair trade until spring of 1955 when I was drafted into the US Army for 2 years.

Married my high school sweetheart in 1958 and started my own shoe repair shop in 1959.
I guess I was too busy working to give much thought about what life was all about. I figured that was for later in life to figure out when I did not have to feed and clothe and house 3 kids and a wife. I finally got all that done after about 45 years of working.

Now that I am older, I have questioned why I am here as a human being. Is there any real purpose in life? Many people down through history have asked that same question. Most of them were philosophers.

The way I look at it now is this: a persons' real education comes from living and working and continuing to learn things that interest you. Perhaps the young people of today have been misled into believing that they are educated when they leave school.

Good luck on your future endeavors and wrestling with a purpose in life.

Old Geezer TC
G'day @High-User , G'day all :)

Despite the Linux references, I am going to move this to Off Topic, which the boss and I conceived a couple of years ago to handle matters just like this.

So everybody hang on to your hats, buckle your seat belts, no smoking or drinking please, and we'll take Wizard's Magic Carpet Ride over to Off Topic.

I'll have more when we arrive. After we clear Customs, of course.

Chris Turner
We have landed. Thank you for flying Air Wizard.

@High-User - Mate, if you wish to pursue further the Linux side, just start a new Thread in Getting Started, and we can swing by to see if we can help. Focus is on Linux problems.

I run 68 (that is not a typo) Linux on this Dell rig, and so chances are anything you have used, or you pick, I have.

If you swing by DistroWatch's Page Hit Ranking here


you will find the most popular 273 Linux that are at least visited, if not downloaded and installed. Broad rule of thumb (my thumb) is that if you stick to the top 100, there is good support. One of them will likely be "just your cup of tea". :)

Since we are in Off Topic, have a read of the pinned Thread at top of read me first before posting, for terms and conditions.

Just a couple of tidbits -

1. I am 63, and Charlie at 86 is old enough to be my Dad, and we are just 2 of many, many people here aged over 50 who have found good fortune with Linux - if we can, do you think you can't? Not being mean - ask anyone here who knows me and they'll tell you I don't do mean.

2. I have 8 mental health disorders, you can read the list here


and they made me a Super Moderator here ... go figure


We are a friendly community here.

Stay safe, all.


@High-User - Rather than whining about how Linux "hurt" you - wouldn’t it be more constructive to post some information about your system? E.g. hardware’s specs etc.

Your problem sounds like it’s most likely a graphics card driver related issue. I’m sure the community here could help you to fix your problem. Then you can get back to loving Linux.

It may just be you’re using the wrong driver version.
For example - Nvidia graphics cards have a few different drivers available in Linux, but certain cards aren’t supported in newer drivers and need to use older versions. Others require newer drivers and won’t work with the older ones.
yep Re: JasKinasis comments @High-User we could certainly try booting your PC in maintenance mode isolating and not using Desktop , nor Desktop Manager nor Display manager "greeter" to explore issues.

Also if you want to get anything off your chest(warning - dry humor , tongue in cheek follows ) like your Girlfriend just dumped you and your projecting onto Linux the angst this thread :

I hope thats not considered baiting - I do have Billy Goat Gruff( you know the bridge, stream and Mr T hiding ?) ; to keep any unwanted tendencies in check (i think )


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