Google Ads are showing female nipples.


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Jul 23, 2020
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I edited...


We're a PG-13 site, generally speaking.

I suppose someone could argue that it's art, that's well and good but this isn't an art site. It's a tech site.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some nipples. But, Google probably shouldn't be showing them as an ad. Of course, Google doesn't actually check every ad published. They rely on people to complain and then review the ad(s).

As much as I'd like folks to browse the site without blocking the ads, if you're offended by female nipples you might want to block ads until Google stops showing vintage female nipples. It kinda looks like an ad for an old airline, perhaps a European airline where they were not quite as prudish as we are in America. I dunno, I didn't click through and see what the site was about, I just took a screenshot and edited it to remove said nipples.

I use brave browser....I see no ads


knew I was missing out on something.....
After hitting the post button, I thought about it - and realized it might have the opposite effect, meaning more people would whitelist the site and let it show ads!

Also, you can still whitelist the site in Brave - I'm pretty sure.

They were pretty great nipples, for the record.


I didn't click through the ad. I'm just assuming that the resulting site will tell me that I won the lottery or a king has died and someone would like my help getting the money out of the country - for which I'll be well rewarded.
a king has died and someone would like my help getting the money out of the country - for which I'll be well rewarded.

Hey, it could happen! :D

By the way, I got this bridge for sale...
Ugh... I clicked through the Nigeria ad and started reading. I made it just two sentences in and decided it was just too sad.

The sentence that caught me out was:

We are a local branch for companies willing to expand to Nigeria.

Let's break that last part down...

... companies *willing* to expand to Nigeria.

... *willing* to expand ...

... *willing* ...

Not companies "wanting" to expand there for things like a vibrant marketplace and to seek new revenue streams. No, not those companies...

You know the ones - the ones "willing" to move there - despite all odds, instability, corruption, sensibility, etc...

In case it's not clear, let's examine it again in the sense of hospitality, but feel free to use pretty much any other industry.

"Hey, this is John Doe from John Doe's Eatery of Mediocre Eats! If you're *willing* to eat here, come on down!"

See what I mean?!? I ain't reading the rest of that page and I'm sure as heck not willing to go eat at John Doe's Eatery of Mediocre Eats.
By the way, I got this bridge for sale...
Could that possibly be The Sydney Harbour bridge...??.....but....but....I sold that last week !!
I love me some nipples
As far as I know google ads are based on personal browsing history. So, maybe it's not you, maybe it's someone in your family. I don't know 'Whoogle' creeps me out
As far as I know google ads are based on personal browsing history.

My understanding is that it's a combination of the site's content and your browsing history - though I've not searched for nipples nor Nigeria. (I'd happily admit searching for nipples. Alas, I already have a lovely pair of 'em available most any time I want to see 'em.)

It may also be that I use a VPN. I think I get some weird ads because of that. Like I have an ad right now that wants me to go betting in GBP currency - but I live in the US. Google thinks I'm currently in Ireland.
lol .. I haven't seen that one. I'll keep refreshing though! ;)

Seriously though - please anyone feel free to block ads on here - it's super easy with extensions, etc.. or, as a site 'gold member' ads are supposed to be hidden for the most part.

I chose Google Adsense because I thought they'd be a wholesome experience, unless of course they're tracking you to porn sites :) (not saying that's why @KGIII saw this)
Hey @KGIII, Google Ads are tailored to the interest of the viewer, as per Google's tracking artefacts over the browsing history. What you see is what Google thinks it's best tailored for you, according to your behaviour when surfing the interwebs.

EDIT: As I see your post around this, I may conclude that this morning Google's AI was feeling the spring haha!
Maybe Google wants me to have more nipples in my life. Though, if I'm gonna look at nipples I'm probably not going to search for nipples from the like 1950s or 1960s. I especially don't want a 'then vs now' type of site.

Ah well...

For a while, they were trying to sell me barn doors. They were kinda tempting, but I have all the barn doors that I need.

Sometimes an ad interests me, so I click it. I'm not actually supposed to see ads, as I'm a gold member. But, I do in fact see ads. I don't really mind and it gives me the chance to look for bad ads. Someone ought to be monitoring 'em.

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