Kali Linux, the buggiest installer ever


Active Member
Mar 10, 2024
Reaction score
Haven't seen one this screwed up in a long time.

Installing latest-greatest. So during the software selection phase, I went with the default XFCE and Collection of tools and top 10 and default (bottom 3).
Hitting next, I get:

An installation step failed. You can try to run this failing item from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.

What in the word does that mean? There are no other options to try during the software selection, literally, it's either on or off. First I went with the default selection. Did not work. Error above. Then I tried to select XFCE and Gnome and Plasma, all to no avail. The defaults they go with cause an error. Tried time and again. I even wiped out the target SSD. There are no partitions on it and it's 2TB. I've had many versions of Linux on that computer and that SSD, this is the only one which doesn't get installed.

There were more unpleasant surprises.

I skipped past the error, and during the disk selection I chose entire disk with LVM. Then the bottom option with separate /home, /var and /tmp. I thought, like Ubuntu or Oracle Linux, it would let me chose partition size. Nope. It made /var an absurd 10GB (I need at least 50GB), made /tmp only 2GB and made /home 1.4TB (which I need to be 100GB at most). Wow, for real? You mean I have to boot into multiuser and then engage in extensive LVM work to resize the LVOLs to my specs instead of making it simple and defining the LVOL sizes, you know like Ubuntu lets you, and Oracle Linux, and Redhat and 100 other distros. And resizing /var is always a pain, have to do it in single user mode since it is a part of root Volume Group.

And when it finally did boot, it would not go into Graphical mode, text only, startx not even found, apt-get install did not work, and it hang during the boot process on the nouveau line. Nothing else has this many problems. I tried some older version of Kali a few years ago and got much farther, except it too had multiple issues too consuming to troubleshoot.
Why troubleshoot any of it when you can install a working distribution, plug-and-play?

Developers, wake up and fix this. I am surprised something this beta-untested made it to production. You should really test this a it before releasing it this raw.

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