Need help with installing dvd games and watching blue ray and dvd movies on Neptune os


New Member
Oct 21, 2022
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Hi, im trying to get my blue ray player to work on neptune os which is based on debian.

im struggling to find someone that will help me.

ci already installed wine and winezgui. i have the libdvd-pkg, libdvdread-dev, libdvdcss-dev, libdvdnav-dev, libaacs-dev, libddplus-dev and libbluray-dev installed.

what else am i doing wrong to get it installed?

it shows no pic of the game i want to install which is a pc dvd game. i even tried downloading a copy of it too. that download wont load the game. so im missing something.

i was able to get these to work on arch.

the one im trying to get is one whole unit blood.

What made you get away from Arch Linux?

The software you're trying to run might have a copy-protection scheme going on. Otherwise you should answer the question that Arochester presented.
i got tired of the appstream not working.

actually this game actually worked in reborn os and arch in general. i was able to install it and play it before.

so idk what im missing.

i was able to install it naturally in arch and windows.
ok, i got movies like lord of the rings to work.

but, not yet for alien movies. the one sby ridley scott. not sure why those wont play.

i have a feeling for games its a file, lol.
here is my issue
question, im on my legion go handheld. im installing games and such on there. how do you change the native potrait screeen to landscape for games and logins creen?
did it work also have you tried VLC for BD palying.
for intall game from disk check out my Video.
you need to know how to setup wine since you need wine to play PC games.
did it work also have you tried VLC for BD palying.
for intall game from disk check out my Video.
you need to know how to setup wine since you need wine to play PC games.

for blue ray movies. i was able to get middle earth films to work. movies liek alien anthology i could not play. i guess it had to do wit hfox protection thingy. though i dont think that should matter???

for games im now able to instal it. i was missing a file. now the enxt issue is they get played in potrait mode and so does the games.

i foudn this article.

but, i tried the first step. idk what that did. but it went throguh. but, the second command of sudo nano /etc/lightdm/ it wont go through. says error writing. is it cause its a sh file instead of conf? is sudo nano the wrong command for sh files?
also, it seems i found my solution. i need to edit the grub.cfg screen layout to landcape.

games are probably part of grub.cfg too.

so i found how to of changing the boot startup, login screen and games by changing the grub.cfg.