Windows 10

70 Tango Charlie

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,
I have a laptop with Win 10 on it. I bought it with the idea of being able to show Windows people how to download and install Linux on their computer and getting rid of Win 10.
I just spent better than 2 hours just trying to get rid of all the junk that Win 10 comes loaded with.
After using Linux for a few years, I honestly don't know how any work gets done on Win 10.
I used Windows for 15 years up to and including Win 7. Did not have the problems that I see in Win 10.
I see what some have mentioned about the bloat in Win 10.
Some used to think that Vista was bad!
Enough of my rant for now. Thanks for reading.
Old Geezer TC

Come to think of it @70 Tango Charlie will have to ask a pommie mate what he thinks of win 10.
Though I have been trying to get him to switch over but that is up to him.
Personally I still have Win 7 on my laptop as there are a couple of devices that require it namely the printer requirnig Dr HP and my router though based on a Linux distro requires Vindows to access it so that you can check it or trouble shoot it when required.
Hey Nik, @Nik-Ken-Bah
What the heck is a pommie mate?
What the heck is a pommie mate
A pommie is a die Engländer as my Prussian Great great Grand-pappy would say. It is as far as I know a nickname that we Aussies and Kiwis have given to the English.
pommie ==limey
Yes! From what I understand that the American sailors began calling the $English Limeys because the English wouldn't supply them with limes as an aid to prevent Scurvy. This apparently occurred at sea when ships crossed each others path.
Oh, I almost forgot. Reading this thread has reminded me.

I bought a refurb for a buddy and used Win10 long enough to install firmware/BIOS updates. I then installed LMDE and handed it over. The instructions I gave them were more or less, "If you f*ck with it, you'll break it. If you just use it and keep it updated, it should be rock solid and take care of itself." So far, they haven't f*cked with it and they use it to do their browsing, streaming, email authoring, basic banking, etc...

So, I technically have used Windows (on the desktop)* in the past decade.

When they didn't recognize things, I told them that the applications they needed would be exactly where they'd expect them to be. Click the menu button, look in Internet, and find the browser. It's exactly where one would intuit. That and applying updates when they become available, and I've had almost zero support incidents. They're about our age, maybe a couple of years younger than myself.

* I did have a Windows phone for a while. It was actually pretty good and I figured it was such a small installation base that nobody would be writing malware for it.
I thought I knew everything when I was 18.
That seems to be the case with the majority of youth no matter the generation of the youth, so you are not alone in that respect. It takes the wisdom of age to show that they had a lot more to learn and even old sea dogs can learn new things.
As my Mamma was apt to say "The minute you stop learning is the minute you die."
I've just stepped into my 30s and I'm always learning new stuff.

Learn by doing is my philosophy.

I always check the water before jumping in.

No on knows everything although a lot seem to think they do.
