[local LAN multisite orchestrator or router] apache or nginx all under Docker


New Member
Jul 6, 2023
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Good morning,
I am very happy to be able to join this forum as a newbie on linux.
I undertook to dockerize many ubuntu server 20.04 and 22.04 VMs in order to gain resources and ease.
Currently I have dockerized (docker release 24.0.2): Apache Guacamole, Noip (DDNS), Nextcloud, AdGuardHome, Jellyfin and Glyde (webproxy)
I still have "ejabbered + coturn" to dockerize but I can't!

Currently my last VM is a CentOS Nethserver 7.9 which plays two roles:
xmpp (ejabbered server) and ReverseProxy with Paths which ultimately routes to Jellyfin, Nextcloud, Glyde, Apache Guacamole
All according to a Target URL

The Nethserver is configured with a Letsencrypt certificate for the https

So from the WAN
https://mydomain/nc >>>> route on LAN https://192.168.xxx.xxx/nextcloud
https://mydomain/jelly >>>> route on LAN https://192.168.xxx.xxx:8920

Finally I would like to make Nethserver disappear for a Docker that would do the same thing:
be accessible from the Wan in https so with a volume folder for pem files (SSL)
and then what should i take? Choose as Docker?
I am new to Docker and Linux ubuntu server. I don't know Apache or Nginx.

A colleague explained to me that Traefic could be a solution but not THE solution.

I tried but without success, I do not understand anything.

For two weeks I have been testing and retesting apache and nginx in every way I can't do it. I miss the basics or a tutorial worthy of the name.

If someone could help me please: for the URL orchestrator or router, I don't know what to call it and also on the Dockerization of Ejabbared + Coturn

Thank you in advance

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