Recent content by truckerDave

  1. truckerDave

    Is the real world good enough?

    My mother does online jigsaw puzzles. If I've said it once, I've said it 500 times, "Wow! Somebody photoshopped the crap out of that one!" It's one thing, in my opinion, to enhance an image due to a camera not capturing things just right. It's a whole other thing when the photo comes out...
  2. truckerDave

    Is the real world good enough?

    Perhaps not.
  3. truckerDave

    FCC Fines Major U.S. Wireless Carriers for Selling Customer Location Data

    Oh, I have no doubt. It just really sucks that my business relies on a cell phone. And, unfortunately, I have been on Verizon for many years just because of their coverage. Once I give up on driving for a living, I'll do away with Verizon and possibly cell phones all together. I just thought...
  4. truckerDave

    FCC Fines Major U.S. Wireless Carriers for Selling Customer Location Data

    Yeah. The fine was less than a slap on the wrist. It was a "Go stand in the corner for 15 seconds!"
  5. truckerDave

    Use a Flash Drive or an SD card as Ram?

    @The Duck ... I have no intention of using a USB drive as RAM. But is there a benefit to doing so? I looked at those 2 links you offered up. Seems it works but kills your USB much quicker and isn't nearly as fast as onboard. Is it just one of those things people do when they HAVE to have more...
  6. truckerDave

    Learning to Walk Again in Ohio?

    The few folks here in The Buckeye I know that have live aloe, raise it inside. It really doesn't do well in our climate here. What part of Ohio? If I may ask. Understand if you don't wish to say.
  7. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    In basic terms, from what I got out of what I read, is that cron only has built-in access to just a few environmental variables. Thus the env call in the crontab code. The change in the bash file is due to there being 2 separate modes in Mint (and others). Dark mode and the default. I have...
  8. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    It's working! I had to use this code in my cron which I found on the web, of course. */5 * * * * env DISPLAY=:0 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus /home/dave/Dubai/new/ However, that didn't take care of the problem. I then ran across a reddit post where someone...
  9. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

  10. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    Does cron run by the clock time? Or from start time? I've not read anything stating one way or the other. But I'm thinking clock time. Right?
  11. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    Thank you. I didn't, for whatever reason, even give that forum a though. My bad.
  12. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    I have the full path in there already. But I don't have that leading sh. I'll give that a shot. Won't hurt.
  13. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    If all else fails, I may do that. It's not really all that important I get this running. I know the code works and that was my goal. To learn about something I know little of. I plan to rework the code and learn more about the proper syntax, etc.
  14. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    which gsettings returned /usr/bin/gsettings Added that into my script. Still no luck. Doesn't make much sense to me.
  15. truckerDave

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    I sure do appreciate your time @atanere.