root kits


Apr 25, 2024
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I can recall there being a software that automagically scans and removes rootkits that were installed onto a linux system.
could anybody guide me in the direction to such software. or teach me how to look for backdoor/rootkits on my system and manually remove them?
I'm asking because used glances and and my cpu is being consumed %90 something percent and that's not normal. I'd provide a screenshot but now its gone.
it was under ROOT user and the application was labeled packagekitd. If anyone knows just what exactly it is please do inform me.

*edit. the application is called rkhunter... but idk how to install it. its a tar.gz file
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packagekit is a piece of software normally included in ubuntu.

Leave it alone.

What OS are you running and which version?
There is a root user and they do stuff sometimes.

Anyhow, you probably install it with sudo apt install rkhunter, assuming you're using Debian/Ubuntu/Mate/etc...
well i learned how to install it without apt.. but ive ran into a problem with it giving me false neagtives.... so im gonna uninstall it and re install it with apt and see if it works then

*edit... does anybody know how to uninstall a tar installation? lmao
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packagekit is a piece of software normally included in ubuntu.

Leave it alone.

What OS are you running and which version?
i learned it was for http requests definitely not gonna mess with that. it went away eventually. but now m trying to figure out how to uninstall a tar installation because it makes less false positives when installed with apt
Stuff? Like what?

Generally low-level things, that is processes owned by 'root'.

Run this command in the terminal: ps aux | grep root
I scanned my local with rkhunter -c and got more than a couple WARNINGS. How can I gain the knowledge of knowing whether or not these are false positives???
also do you want me to post my rkhunter.log file?
Rootkits...malware...viruses and ransomware are very must do everything to protect your files and...hang on this isn't a windoze Forum silly me...forget everything I said.

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