little help on Kali tools


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2022
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I just installed Kali on a VM on my system. Not sure why people can't install this, it worked fine for me. What I would like to find is a list of the many tools and what they do and how they work. Specifically I am looking to pentest a few networks so anything that exploits apache or bitlocker (windows) would be a great help. GUI preferred. But I can make a GUI if I like the CLI version. I just want to check exploits on apache have been handled and be able to recover info from bitlocker when they lose the key.
So, suggestions welcome.

all the gui tools should be in this start menu thing. Also
already saw that and no help unless I go into each one and hope it has enough info to see what it does and how it works. What I need is to see what each is used for in a summary. and Kali installs CLI versions, not found the GUI
well they are sectioned in the kali menu. I'd recommend to go through that list and get a basic understanding of each. its the way i learned about them too. takes more time, but gives you a better result.
learning to use them, and learning which to choose, will take lots of time and effort. becoming mr robot takes a good bit of time ;) but it is an interesting journey.
well they are sectioned in the kali menu. I'd recommend to go through that list and get a basic understanding of each. its the way i learned about them too. takes more time, but gives you a better result.
learning to use them, and learning which to choose, will take lots of time and effort. becoming mr robot takes a good bit of time ;) but it is an interesting journey.
I have started that journey but was hoping to not have to spend days looking at it all. The summary would make it easy to find what I need. I know what you mean and yes that is the best way but was hoping to do it with some priorities.
Specifically I am looking to pentest a few networks so anything that exploits apache or bitlocker (windows) would be a great help.
I haven't used Kali (Backtrack in fact) for long time but there is a tool called metasploit-framework which contains a searchable internal database of a ton of exploits ready to launch at any target that offers online services .
Normally this would be your own server ofc. if you're testing security of your server.

For instance if you want to pentest to take control of your own apache web server you would search the database for "apache" exploits and then from the list try each one to see if any one of them succeeds.
(you'll be amazed by how easy it is to take control of un-patched services)

Usually each exploit takes common and unique parameters which you need to supply before executing it.

The database is nothing but a collection of shellcodes usually imported into ruby project (because that's what the framework works with (or at least did before)) or shellcodes made by compiled languages ex. bytecode usable by ruby, that works against specific CVE's.

If you're not developer then the "Problem" with the database is that it's not cutting edge, you'll find exploits only for already known CVE's, for instance you won't find the one for which there is already no security patch deployed by OS and package maintainers.

If that's not good enough for you, you can expand the database by either downloading more shellcodes (exploits) and integrating them from specific sites, or you could write your own by inspecting source code of the service you're targeting and finding vulnerabilities yourself, for this to work you'd need to know the language of the service being inspected and ruby at a minimum for implementation, although it's possible to write it in C\C++ or ASM and then importing shellcode to ruby module that works with the framework. (basic ruby knowledge should work) for this.

Of course before doing any of this as always nmap is first step, you want o master using nmap to be able to detect exact service version of the target as that's needed to figure out which exploit to use, search for or develop or to know which commit of the service to inspect source code.

An example of a exploit written in ruby for metasploit:

You'll normaly have it installed already and don't need to bother reading the code, but these are only against known CVE's that are well known and shared by the community.

therefore not very useful for attack except against lazy people, but rather for defense, that is, to find holes in your apache server to fix them.
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already saw that and no help unless I go into each one and hope it has enough info to see what it does and how it works. What I need is to see what each is used for in a summary. and Kali installs CLI versions, not found the GUI
You'll most likely get the best answer and the easiest one by looking into the packages. That's how they're installed. For instance look at the Kali-top10, or Kali-everything. They don't install them individually they're usually part of a bigger package of tools with shared dependencies.
