Downloaded files.


New Member
Jun 13, 2024
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I am new to the Linux system. So new, it was only yesterday that i finally decided i have had enough of Windows,
and that it`s time for something new. Installed MINT yesterday. So far, it`s looking good and a right choice. I am
trying to get Windows out of my mind, and think Linux, however i do have a problem that requires me to ask.
We all know how downloads work on said Windows, and the ease of sending those downloads to an external disc drive,
but i`ve already seen it`s not like that with LInux.
I have a downloaded iso file which needs to be sent to a drive, but when i open that file, it shows me the contents.
The question is, how do i send that iso file to an external drive? In fact, not just that file, but anything else i have downloaded?
I am now in the basic learning progress, so i apologize for my ignorance.

I have a downloaded iso file
ISO files can be kept in your in folder [or any where you like] but to use them they need to be written to an installation medium [these days that would be a USB thumb drive of at least 4 GB, or a DVD-r ]
now you have installed mint it has its own ISO writer in the preinstalled applications, if writing to a DVD then you need to choose Burn as a bootable medium from the burning application you use]
One of the key strengths of Linux is the command line. If what you want is to write the content of your ISO file to the USB drive maybe you can go to another level and try running a command on the terminal called dd:

$ sudo dd if=/home/User/Downloads/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=5M status=progress

That will write the content of the ISO file to your USB drive. Just replace the "/home/User/Downloads/file.iso" with the actual absolute path to your ISO file. If the filename has some spaces, just rename it and replace them with anything, say dashes or underscores. To get the path to your USB drive you can open another terminal and just type in:

$ sudo blkid

If your USB drive has a number at the end, say "/dev/sdb1", you just ignore the "1" and type it in the command above like so, "of=/dev/sdb". You'll know dd is done once you're back at the command prompt. I hope it makes sense but don't worry if it doesn't right away but I hope it helps. Welcome to Linux and good luck!
I believe in Mint you can right click the ISO file and select burn (not sure off the top of my head the exact term that's used). There may be a "Verify" there as well. I'm not near the house. Or I would confirm that.
Hello @RobinTheHood Welcome to the forum. You've already received good advise so I'll just welcome you Linux.
Mint is a good place to start.
i just want to say a massive thank you to everyone giving me their advice.
I had to download a program, or two, that can help me out.
The first one was "kb3". Took a bit of time to figure it out but i got there.
The other one was "Brasero". I liked that one the most but i kept both anyway.
The one thing i could not do was to work out the other iso file. I had one completed
but the other iso was 5.3gb big, and i could only burn 4.7gb onto the drive. For some
reason, it would not compress, so i may have to look for another alternative.
Anyway, you guy`s, and probably gals too, have taught me a lot with your advice, so
a huge thanks to all of you.
In Linux Mint and other Distros anything downloaded goes to the Downloads Folder. If you want to place the downloaded object on an External Drive...plug it in and cut and paste it to the Drive...easy.

If you want to Burn an ISO to a Flash Drive use either Etcher or Mint's USB Image Writer.

To shrink movies or videos you own...I use Avidemux and Handbrake but there are more...

Hope this helps.

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